Actions Taken by the G.C.
Actions Taken by All Star One Former Chairs (called Governance Council from 2013 on)
Compiled from Minutes by Debbie Weiner Soule, Secretary
with additional contributions from Elizabeth Yermack and Bea Robbins
1991 – no motions or appointments
1992 – M (Jack Dunn) – Anyone 75 or older should be automatically admitted – the
consensus was, however, that it was ‘better not to have a formal rule.’
Appointed: New committee to Study Admissions Policies:
Don Brookfield
Lisa Jennings
Paul Jennings
Frank Robbins
Kathy Tillman
Tom Walton
Elizabeth Yermack
1993 – no minutes available
1994 – M (Tom Walton) and S (Larry Yermack) and voted:
That the guidelines for the Chairs be approved as written, changing number 2: “All conferees are on the honor system to “take off” time periodically” to “We would suggest that all conferees take a year off periodically.”
M (Elizabeth Yermack) and voted: That the Blue book, in place of the confusing references to a “priority year” on the application, contain the following: “Please understand that because you have taken a voluntary “year off”, you are not guaranteed automatic admission. The March 10 deadline applies to all applicants. Please communicate special admission circumstances to the Chairs.”
M (Henry Powsner) and voted: Delete all reference to All Star I on the general application. (Explanation of the motion’s impact: there will no longer be a blank space for priority year selection, since it resulted in confusion and abuse in the past. This issue will instead be covered by directions to communicate special circumstances to the Chairs.)
1995 – M: to approve expenses for five speakers/family members (usual max has been
Approved: That the chairs may send a letter to those applying to the conference which articulates the current guidelines for admissions.
Appointed: Additional members to the admissions committee to replace those departing or departed, as follows:
Those no longer serving on the committee:
Tom Walton
Elizabeth Yermack
Oscar Weiner (deceased)
Charlie Case
Sherry Walworth
Henry Powsner
And a yet-to-be-chosen non-chair. (NB: This did not occur, but Ben Soule, incoming chair, joined the committee).
Charge to the committee: Update the data base, evaluate pros and cons of the outstanding issues (including that of a registrar, as well as the question of new shoalers); mail a report to all chairs in advance of next year’s meeting atMadison. They will send around a sheet for comments and will give an interim report on the island in 1996.
1996 – M and S: To elect Charlie Case as Secretary for the meeting in Elizabeth
Yermack’s absence. Voted.
M (H. Powsner) and S (J. Bennett): to adopt draft 8 of the admissions policy, dated August 26, 1996.
M (H. Powsner) add the preamble suggested in a letter from Henry Powsner and George Easter (first four paragraphs). Voted.
M (H. Powsner): Change second para. of the policy to read “No applicant will be admitted to All Star I for a fourth consecutive year (four year rule). A friendly amendment by Ben Soule, adding the words, “unless the conference is not full by the cutoff date,” was accepted by the maker of the motion and added. Voted.
M (H. Powsner): Replace the third paragraph and bullets 2 and 3 of the fourth para. with the following: “Attendance as a member of Children’s Staff or Children’s Staff Coordinators will not be counted as a year of attendance or a year of non-attendance.” Voted.
M (H. Powsner): Add a new paragraph: “Chairs can come the year after their year as Chair whether or not they meet the four year rule.” Voted.
M (H. Powsner): Strike the words: “the previous year Chairs may be included in this group” from the sentence that allows the current Chairs to admit up to fifteen applicants who would otherwise not be admitted.” Voted.
M (H. Powsner): Strike the words: “Former Chairs of All Star I who meet the four year rule will not be wait listed.” Voted.
M (H. Powsner): Strike the words: “the perceived fairness of their decisions.” Add the following considerations:
– regularity of past financial support [this clause was withdrawn before a vote was taken – DWS]
– where other criteria are met equally, priority will be given to individuals who are wait listed the previous year.
– Frequency of past All Star I attendance
M (H. Powsner): Delete the words “at their discretion, current chairs may admit not more than 25 new shoalers.” Voted.
M (D. Weiner Soule): Add language to the first line of the policy that states that “applications must be postmarked by March 10th.” Voted.
Returning to the MAIN MOTION: The policy was Voted with instructions to the Admissions Policy Committee to perfect the language.
Action: Policy to be mailed to all who attended All Star One over the previous three years. (Action by Powsner).
M (G. Easter): To create a study group to report back in one year, evaluating the governance proposal distributed. This group would determine how long a governance group should exist and function, its relationship to the chairs, and its relationship to the former chairs body. After discussion, the motion was Voted.
Those offering to serve on such a study committee were:
Debbie Weiner Soule Bill Clegg
John Bennett Betsy Close
Vera Weiner Kathy Tillman
George Easter Cathy Case
Dana Powsner Henry Powsner
PaulJennings Charlie Case
M (D. Weiner Soule) and S (P. Jennings): to appoint Henry Powsner as Registrar, for a three year term. Voted. Duties to include record keeping, attendance data, room assignment data to the island registrar.
M (H. Powsner) and S (B. Soule): to appoint Tom and Debbie Walton as Children’s Program Coordinators.
1997 – M (H. Powsner) and S (L. Yermack) – that the Madison retreat be held closer to
the beginning of October. Voted. [NB: Vera Weiner researched this issue and
found it was not possible.]
M (H. Powsner) and S (E. Yermack): to appoint Ben Soule as archivist for a five year term. Voted.
M (G. Easter) and S (D. Weiner Soule): to add an additional paragraph to the existing admissions policy: “The number of applications received may not be sufficient to fill the conference. In that case the four-year rule and the application deadline will be relaxed, permitting the acceptance of individuals with increasingly greater numbers of consecutive years’ attendance.” Voted. (Action: Policy to be mailed to all attendees over the last five years. Paula and Larry Phillips to provide cover letter.)
M (G. Easter) and S (D. Weiner Soule): to appoint a Chairs Resource Group. Voted.
Composition of the group: four appointed members: registrar, co-treasurer, children’s program coordinator, prior year’s chair; three elected members: two from more than ten years prior, one from most recent ten years.
Purpose: meet with chair-designates during All Star I to transmit registration policy and convey essential information. Group would be available during the year of policy questions arose.
Action: Henry to poll former chairs for their interest and devise an election method for the appointed positions.
M (G. Easter) and S (L. Yermack): to spend up to $200 from the All Star I treasury to purchase a cover for the electric piano bought for the island by Don Brookfield. Voted.
1998 on-island meeting – M (H. Powsner) and S (R. Cook): Parents of nominees for
future chairs will excuse themselves from discussion of future chairs, but not from
voting. Voted.
1998 – M (P. Jennings) and S (V. Weiner): Policies on Room Assignments should be
approved by the conference and communicated to the Island Registrar. Voted.
M (T. Walton) and S (R. Cook): The conference should provide funds for up to three positions in the performing arts for the benefit of the conference and/or the children’s staff. Voted.
1999 – M (D. Weiner Soule) to appoint new members to the admissions committee to
replace those who have left. Voted.
Members Resigned: Paul Jennings.
Members not present or not interested in continuing:
Frank Robbins
Charlie Case.
Continuing members:
Henry Powsner
Ben Soule
Kathy Tillman
New members appointed:
Larry Phillips
Carla Osgood
Tom Walton
Elizabeth Yermack
Appointed: Debbie Weiner Soule to replace Elizabeth Yermack as Secretary.
2000 – no motions.
2001 meeting on Star Island – M (L. Yermack): that funds from the All Star One
Auction be designated to go into the unrestricted Annual Fund pool, so that they
may be used by the Manager for such expenses as he deems necessary. Moved by
unanimous consent.
2001 Meeting in Madison, CT–
Affirmed by those present (no vote taken, since this was done in informal session
after the formal meeting had adjourned) that chairs should use the 1997 policy
which had been voted by the chairs as guideline for admissions at the 2002
Affirmed – that Henry Powsner will distribute copies of the 1997 official admissions policy, and an unapproved draft from 2000, to all former chairs.
Consensus decisions:
– 2002 chairs should solicit input from the conference as a whole in nominating future chairs.
– 2002 chairs should make efforts to eliminate perceived elitisim, e.g., roll call of former chairs, roll call of number of years in attendance at All Star I, lineup of former chairs by year for Grand March, etc.
– in selecting applicants, the new chairs should give highest priority to
considering the number of years an applicant has attended since last
taking a year off.
– To form a governance task force.
Convener: Bill Tibbs
Members: Rita VanTassel
David Osgood
Henry Powsner
Paula Phillips
Kemp Harris
Jim Prochaska
2002 meeting on Star Island –
Governance Task Force members were re-stated to include
group named above, but deleted Paula Phillips, and added Ben Soule.
M (T. Walton) and S: To vote for a chair-elect pair for 2004 as well as chairs for 2003. Voted. (Following the vote, Kim and Stan Corfman were elected chairs for 2003, and Connie Lentz and Bart Bouricius chairs for 2004, with both sets of chairs to be included in all correspondence and invited to the 2002Madison retreat.)
2002 Meeting in Madison, CT:
– Reconsideration of the validity of motion regarding financial support of three arts positions (moved in 1998): M (Powsner) and S: that this motion be considered as pertaining to a single event and not an ongoing motion. Voted.
M (Powsner) and S: to have the meeting after dinner at this retreat be a convened session with votes considered as actions for conference governance. Voted.
M (R. Cook) and S: that Henry Powsner fill a two year term as registrar. Voted.
M (L. Yermack) and S: to appoint Ben Soule to another five year term as archivist. Voted.
M (R. Van Tassel) and S: All Star I agrees to offer some form of financial aid and set up a task force to see how it should be done. Voted.
M (Jim Prochaska) and S: Raise fees by $10 for the specific purpose of establishing a financial aid program, with a TF to be made up of four people, the chairs and chairs elect, charged with implementing the proposal. Changes to take effect in 2003. 23 in favor, 14 opposed, 1 abstention.
Moved (G. Easter) and S: Family max for registration raised from $150 to $190 for 2003. Voted.
(M (Debbie Weiner Soule) and S: insert Dana Powsner’s language items 4 and 4b into the existing 1996 registration policy. (Voted, with 2 opposed.)
2003 Meeting in Madison, CT:
M: (H. Powsner) and S: to commit $100 to support the hiring of David Sanderson for facilitation of a Council of Conferences meeting if the Council of Conferences’ organizers agree that this is appropriate.
M (DW Soule) and S: to accept the Waltons’ recommendations regarding level of staffing for the children’s programs for 2004 and beyond. [recommendation: to have three teen groups instead of 2, 2 Gull leaders instead of 1, and 1 paid children’s program coordinator instead of 2 volunteer.]
M (George Easter) and S: Increase fees to $85/adult, $65/child. Vote: The motion passed with 2 opposing votes.
M (Jim Prochaska) and S: to establish a task force to look at alternative governance structures and report back on those alternatives at the summer gathering on the island, with refined proposals discussed at the next meeting of this body in November 2004.
Vote: unanimous in favor.
M (Phil Pierce) and S: That this group* be authorized to form the Task Force. Vote: unanimous in favor. *Composition of the group: : Sally Easter, Kemp Harris, Stan Corfman, Anne Lenox, Estelle Best, Jim Prochaska, Debbie Weiner Soule, with Stan Corfman to act as the convener.
M (George Easter) and S: the new family maximum be established at $365. Vote: 17 for, 11 against. The motion carried.
M (George Easter) and S: To refer the discussion [scholarships] to the framing chairs for their recommendations at next year’s meeting. Unanimously voted.
M (Jan Prochaska) and S: That we do not change our policy regarding use of auction funds but continue to use the funds in the same way as previously designated (to benefit the Annual Fund for unrestricted use).
Vote: 24 in favor, 4 opposed; motion carried.
M (Corfman) and S: To refer the matter of behavioral issues to the chairs of the upcoming conference, the registrar, and the children’s program coordinators for recommendation to this body.
Vote: 27 in favor, one opposed. The motion carried.
M: (Debbie Weiner Soule) and S: To refer the question of willful destruction of island property to the Star Island Executive Director for his consideration.
Unanimously voted.
2004 Meeting in Madison, CT
Moved (H. Powsner) and S: that we empower the framing chairs [chairs for the years immediately preceding and following the current one] and registrar to together finalize dates necessary for meeting the dates to apply for scholarship as published in the Blue Book. Unanimously voted.
M (Tibbs) and S: That the conference cover the costs of a Friday night overnight for the Registrar and family if the registrar’s presence on the island is necessary for Friday night/early Saturday meetings. Voted with two opposed.
M (H. Powsner) and S: that we authorize $100/year to be allocated to the Council of Conferences. Unanimously passed.
This mention in the minutes informs the next motion: “Paul Jennings recommended that we form an executive council that would have authority to make decisions during the year and would bring those back to the council of chairs for ratification.” M (T. Walton): That we accept Paul Jennings’ recommendation around structure of governance – including an executive committee plus standing committees.
Voted with two opposed.
M (Phil Pierce) and S: That we nominate 9 people to form an Executive Committee, three for 3 years, three for 2 years, 3 for 1 year. (A friendly amendment was made (R. Cook) and accepted that the committee be formed through volunteers or nominees.
Debbie Weiner Soule
Bill Clegg
Henry Powsner
Jan Prochaska
Bill Tibbs
Larry Yermack (declined)
Jane Trudeau
Rita Van Tassel
Elizabeth Yermack
Debbie Walton (declined)
Paula Phillips
Voted by acclamation. Debbie Weiner Soule will convene the group.
2005 On-Island Meeting
M (L. Yermack) and S: that the Annual Fund conference goal be $90K.
2005 Meeting in Madison, CT
M by the Executive Committee: The Chairs affirm the Memorandum of Understanding and Bylaws drawn up to describe the role of the conference and its Executive Committee. Amendment: Add to Article VIII: “The treasurer shall prepare annual financial reports to be presented for approval at the annual off island meeting of the All Star I Conference Chairs meeting.” Change Article 6 to take effect in 2006. The documents were unanimously voted.
M by the Executive Committee: The 1998 motion regarding parents of future chairs absenting themselves from discussion of nominees will be nullified. Family members will be permitted to remain in the room for discussion of future chairs. Final voting of nominees for conference chair will be by paper ballot. Voted all in favor with one abstention.
M by the Executive Committee: The annual meeting of All Star Chairs shall be open to observers (except for Executive Session). The date, location and time of the meeting will be posted at least two weeks in advance on the All Star One website and publicized to the All Star One community at our conference in July. A comment period for observers shall be included in the annual meeting structure. Unanimously voted.
M by the Executive Committee: The following voting process for electing conference chairs will be adopted, beginning 2006:
1. Propose nominations and capture names
2. Speak to the nominations
3. Vote #1: Written ballot shall be used. Each person may vote for up to three candidates, with one name per paper ballot, and may only vote once for any candidate.
4. Votes are tallied and clear high vote-getters remain (no more than three).
5. Vote #2: Written ballot shall be used. Each person may vote for one candidate.
Unanimously voted.
M by the Executive Committee: All decisions and actions made by the All Star One Executive Committee on behalf of the All Star One Conference and the All Star One Chairs for the period from November 2004-November 7, 2005 are hereby approved and ratified. Unanimously voted.
M (Jim Prochaska) and S: To take Corporation-required insurance expenses for 2006 from the conference surplus and in subsequent years, use an alternative method. Voted with one negative vote.
M by the Executive Committee: If the All Star One conference fails to fill to the 260 person limit, we commit to the Star Island Corporation to underwrite the cost of the shortfall, to be taken from the conference treasury. Unanimous.
2006 On-Island Meeting
(De facto motion): A $100 K goal has been established for the All Star One contribution to the Star Island Annual Fund for 2006.
2006 Meeting in Madison, CT
M (G. Easter) and S: Beginning with All Star I’s fiscal year 2005-06, the annual amount of conference registration fees devoted to the AS I scholarship fund will be reduced from $10 per person paying registration to a minimum of $3 per person paying registration. Voted unanimously.
The Executive Committee unanimously moves the following amendments to the All Star One bylaws (which was amended on the floor as follows). (Proposed changes appear in CAPS.)
Article IV. Officers.
Voted unanimously.
ARTICLE VI. Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority of the members at the annual off-island meeting. The Executive Committee shall consist of NINE members having staggered terms of three years, NOT TO EXCEED TWO THREE YEAR TERMS, and shall conduct the business of the organization between meetings of the members.
Voted unanimously.
The Executive Committee unanimously moves the following policy:
All elections where there are more than two candidates will be conducted using the alternative vote method.
Voted unanimously.
Scotty and Annie Stewart were elected for a three year term as co-registrars, to begin in November, 2007.
M (H. Powsner), Amended (G. Easter) and S: If the 2007 All Star One conference fails to fill to capacity of 260, we commit to the Star Island Corporation to underwrite the cost of the shortfall, to be taken from the conference treasury.
Voted unanimously with 1 abstention (Lentz).
Motion to ratify actions taken by the Executive Committee, November 2005-October, 2006: M (Lentz) and S. Unanimously Voted.
Debbie Walton, Joel Fredericks, and Pam Pierce were elected to the Executive Committee for three year terms. Scotty and Annie Stewart will join the Exec as ex-oficcii until their term as Registrars formally begins.
2007 Virtual Chairs meeting (replacing on-island meeting – August 16, 2007)
Request to affirm election of Tom and Tricia Coleman as 2008 Chairs and
Laurie Powsner and Jon Krejci as 2009 Chairs: (this ratifies an action initiated by the Executive Committee and polling of the chairs conducted by email earlier this summer).
M and S: voted unanimously.
Request to affirm action of Executive Committee to extend appointment of George and Sally Easter as Co-Treasurers through the 2008 conference. M and S: voted unanimously.
That All Star One continues to demonstrate our leadership by achieving the goal we set in the spring of $105K for the Annual Fund with 100 percent participation in the Annual Fund from the Chairs. M and S: voted unanimously.
2007 Meeting in Madison, CT
M (H. Powsner) and S: That the Treasurers of All Star One pay annual membership dues to the Council of Conferences.
M (E. Yermack) and S: That the Executive Committee, on advice of the Treasurers and the Scholarship Committee, will be given discretion to increase the scholarship fund as they deem necessary to encourage attendance by the largest possible number of conferees.
M and S: That the Executive Committee make the decision about the accommodation for the 2008 Chairs conference on behalf of the chairs and that Halloween weekend be avoided if possible.
Motion to ratify actions taken by the Executive Committee, November 2006-October, 2007. Unanimously voted.
Carla Osgood and Paul Jennings were elected to the Executive Committee for three year terms. The remaining three year term is being filled by Scotty and Annie Stewart as Registrars.
2008 Meeting on Star Island:
Bill Gimpel was elected as conference treasurer, term to begin November, 2008. Bill and Cathy Jenkins were the nominees presented by the Executive Committee.
$105,000 was adopted as the Annual Fund conference goal for the 2008.09 year.
Carl and Cheryl-Anne Sturken were elected as All Star One Chairs for 2010.
November, 2008 Meeting at Whispering Pines Conference Center, Rhode Island
Approval of 8 child safety and safe conference practices. These were voted individually.
- We will establish a curfew for teens: midnight for senior teens, 11:00 p.m. for mid-teens, 10:00 p.m. for junior teens. (Curfew means being in your assigned room with noise kept to a reasonable level). With the permission of their parents/guardians, Senior Teens may have the option of selecting one overnight which would occur in Brookfield. Parents would be informed of the decision of the teens, and would be asked to provide written permission for their child to participate. (Action: Senior Teens w/leaders)
Children’s Program Coordinator > Parents/Guardians of Teens)
2. We will enforce curfews for teens. Wherever possible, parents of teens will be housed next to or near their teens. The responsibility for setting limits – based on the boundaries established by All Star One – rests primarily with the parents. All rooms will have identification on them so that the residents of the room are clearly known. (Action: Volunteer assignment for Room names/Conference Chairs)
3. All Star One affirms the importance, wherever possible, of housing children and youth with their peers and families
4. At their first group meeting on the island, teens (in their separate groups) will be asked to develop a covenant for behavior, which includes identifying what the consequences would be for violation of their curfew or other articulated expectations. (Action: Senior Teen leaders & Children’s Program Coordinator)
- Adults attending the conference will receive a statement*, included in their acceptance letter, which articulates conference expectations regarding appropriate behavior. The conference chairs are responsible for including such language in their acceptance letter and in other appropriate communication vehicles to the conference. (Action: 2009 Chairs)
Statement Draft as approved by Executive Committee:
All Star One is an intentional, intergenerational community which seeks to provide a caring, supportive, and safe environment for all who take part. It runs counter to our mission for adults to provide those under the age of 21 with alcohol or controlled substances.
- A letter to parents of teens in our community, explaining the childrens’ policy for teens, should be sent out prior to the registration period for the conference (using the conference database). The Children’s Program Coordinator would draft this letter, which would be sent out with the support of conference funds. (Action: Conference Registrars & Children’s Program Coordinator & Chairs)
7. We encourage the Star Island Corporation to undertake such work as might support increased capacity for our, and other, conferences (e.g., re-opening the third floor of Cottage A) before the 2009 season begins. (Action: Vicky Hardy w/SIC Board; information to SIC Registrar and All Star One Housing Coordinator)
8. We welcome recommendations about improvements that the
conference or the Corporation might make to help Brookfield
more attractive to teens. (Action: Senior Teen leaders with Senior
Motion to ratify actions taken by the Executive Committee, November, 2007-October, 2008. Unanimously voted.
It was unanimously voted to elect the following to three-year terms on the Executive Committee by acclimation (unopposed slate):
Laurie Powsner
Debbie Walton
Debbie Weiner Soule (second term)
2009 Meeting on Star Island
Moved and S: To give 50% of the conference’s on-island auction proceeds to the SIC Annual Fund immediately; with disposition of the remaining 50% to be decided at the 2009 Whispering Pines Chairs meeting. Voted.
Voted: To elect Annie and Scotty Stewart conference chairs for 2011.
October, 2009 Meeting at Whispering Pines Conference Center, RI
M (DW Soule) and S: to ratify actions taken by the Executive Committee for the stated period. Approved.
M (H Powsner) and S: to establish the structure of the financial aid committee. VOTED.The committee will be constituted as follows: Elizabeth Yermack will convene the group. Joy Close, Shelley Powsner and Holly Hunnicutt will also serve, in addition to the registrar and treasurer. Elizabeth will serve for 3 years, Shelley and Holly 2 years, Joy 1 year. All are eligible for re-election. A new member will be elected in 2010 for a three-year term.
M (John Best) and S; amended and agreed (P. Phillips): To allocate 2009 monies to the SIC annual fund, and defer 2010 auction fund decision pending an additional meeting of the chairs. Carried.
M (Jim Prochasaka) and S: To recover the money that didn’t go into the financial aid fund for one year to the financial aid fund, at the level of $2500, from reserves. Carried.
The following were Debbie Walton (2nd term)elected by acclamation to three year terms on the Executive Committee:
Debbie Walton (2nd term)
Pam Pierce (2nd term)
Kathy Tillman
M (B. Soule) and S: To accept the Treasurer’s report.
2010 Meeting on Star Island
M (Jim Prochaska) and S: That a portion of the funds from the upcoming on-island art auction be used to support our financial aid program (with the amount to be determined at Whispering Pines, following the conclusion of the conference). Voted.
M (E. Yermack) and S: That before the fall 2010 meeting of the chairs, the chairs will solicit a full opinion of the community around financial aid allocation questions and factor that into the decision making process. Voted.
M (N. Tillman) and S: To set $100,000 as the 2010-2011 SIC Annual Fund conference fundraising target. Voted.
Voted: To elect Elissa Best and David Epstein as Chairs for 2012.
2010 Meeting at Whispering Pines Conference Center, Rhode Island
Moved (Executive Committee), S and voted. To ratify actions taken by the All Star One Executive Committee, November, 2009-October, 2010.
Moved (Exec), S, and voted (2 negative votes): To approve the conference’s draft mission statement as submitted:
The All Star 1 Family Conference is enriched by the unique nature of Star Island and
strives to support the well-being of Star Island for future generations by offering an
inspirational, educational, and restorative week-long experience that affirms and
celebrates a vibrant, diverse, multi-generational, caring community.
Moved (Trudeau), S and voted: That all Star One become a non-profit corporation in the State of New Hampshire.
M: (Trudeau), S and voted: That All Star One file an application to become a 501©3 with the IRS emphasizing our close connection to the Star Island Corporation.
Moved (Exec) S and voted (2 negative votes, 1 abstention): That the All Star One Behavioral Covenant be approved as presented.
Moved (Exec), S and voted: We encourage that contributions to the 2010 Annual Fund from past chairs be increased above the 2009 level; and that each member of the conference be asked to increase his or her gift to the 2010 Annual Fund above 2009 levels to meet our conference goal of $100,000.
– Moved (Exec), S and voted (2 negative votes): That Registration fees will be increased by $10 to a level of $95 per adult and $75 per child, so that $20 per registration will be directed toward financial assistance.
Moved (Exec), S and voted: Up to 50% of the conference’s Art Auction proceeds (generally, between $10,000 and $14,000 total) may be directed toward financial assistance on an annual basis, with the balance contributed to the Annual Fund. The amount to be directed toward financial aid will be dependent on projected need [made by the financial aid committee] and allocation will be made by the conference treasurer.
Moved (Exec), S and voted (1 negative vote): We intend to raise an additional $2,000 per year or more through activities at the off-island Chairs meeting (e.g., auction, poker, yard sale, etc.).
Moved (Exec), S and voted (1 abstention): To approve the 2011 budget as presented.
Moved (Roy Cook), S and voted: To accept the 2011 Financial Assistance Fund budget [requesting $14,500] as presented.
Moved (Exec), S and voted (18 in favor, 2 opposed, 2 abstentions): That the official All Star One Council of Conferences representatives include at least one current member of the Executive Committee.
Moved (Exec), S and voted: That the two official All Star One Council of Conferences representatives be elected to serve for a three year term, renewable once.
M (Exec), S and voted: That Joy Close be elected to a three-year term on the financial aid committee by acclimation.
M (Exec), S and voted: That Scotty and Annie Stewart be re-elected as registrars for a second three-year term.
Elected to the Executive Committee: Larry Yermack (for one year, to complete an unexpired three-year term), Jim Prochaska, Paul Jennings (for a second three year term).
2011 Meeting on Star Island (July 3):
M (Ned Tillman), S and voted: To support an Annual Fund goal of $90K for All Star One for the year.
Dennis and Judy O’Keefe were elected conference chairs for 2013.
2011 Fall Meeting at The Guest House, Chester, CT (September 17, 2011):
M (Exec), S and unanimously voted.: That the Chairs approve the recommendations made by the Financial Aid Committee and endorsed by the Executive Committee.
M (P. Phillips), S and voted: To amend the proposed 2012 budget to reflect no transfer from reserves, an increase in staff room and board to $17K, and a projected deficit of $2,430.
M (Phil Pierce), S and voted: To pass the 2012 budget as amended.
M (Exec), S and voted: To ratify actions taken by the Executive Committee, November 2010- September, 2011. There were two abstentions (P. Phillips, D. O’Keefe).
Regarding the creation of a proposed governance review committee, it was Moved (Exec), S and voted: To lift restrictions regarding numbers of former or current chairs or Executive Committee members who could be on this committee.
M (D. Weiner Soule), S and voted: To support the creation of a governance review committee as amended.
M (Exec), S and voted: To elect Bill Gimpel as Treasurer for a second three-year term.
M (Exec), S and voted: To re-elect Jim Prochaska and Roy Cook as official Council of Conferences representatives for a one year term.
M(Exec), S and voted: To re-elect Holly Hunnicutt and Shelley Powsner to three year terms on the Financial Aid Committee.
To elect the following individuals to the Executive Committee by acclamation: Charlie Close, to complete a one year unexpired term. Tricia Coleman, for a second three-year term. Ben Soule and Cheryl-Anne Sturken, for three-year terms.*
*It was noted that all elections were made with the understanding that a completed governance review may recommend changes to the conference governance structure.
2012 Meeting on Star Island (July 1):
M (George Easter) and S: To support a 90K Annual Fund goal.
M (Jim Prochaska) and S: To share results of the surveys of chairs and non-chairs on governance at the upcoming Town Hall Meeting on island.
Mary Trudeau Hill, Holly Hunnicutt, and Sally Easter Jr. were elected Conference Chairs for 2014.
2012 Fall Meeting at the Guest House, Chester CT (Oct. 27, 2012):
Moved (B.Gimpel), S: (L.Yermack) and Voted: To approve the Financial Assistance budget of $12,500 for 2013.
Moved (B. Gimpel), S: (Phil Pierce) and Voted: To approve the AS1 2013 budget as presented.
Moved (J. Best), S: (Phil Pierce) and Voted: To approve actions of the Executive Committee, fall 2011-fall 2012.
Bylaw Changes:
Moved (H. Powsner), S (E. Yermack) and Voted: To change the name of our organization to “The All Star One Governing Council.”
Moved (H. Powner), S (E. Yermack) and Voted: To change the conference’s statement of purpose to read: “The purpose of the Council is to govern the annual All Star One Family Conference in a responsible, accountable and effective manner.”
Moved (H. Powsner), S (J. Best) and Voted: To Change Article III (Membership) to read: “Lifetime members of this organization shall include the former Chairs, the present Chairs, the Chairs-Elect (hereafter “Chairs”). In addition, up to five other members as chosen by election of the Council serving staggered terms of no more than three years may be included.”
Moved (B. Gimpel), S (Phil Pierce) and Voted: To change the second part of Article III (Membership) to read: “In addition, the Nominating Committee may nominate All Star One conferees of long-standing commitment for membership on the Council. They will be elected by a simple majority of the Council, and enjoy life tenure with full member privileges.”
Moved (B. Gimpel), S (B. Tibbs) and Voted: To add a new officer called “Convener” to the Executive Committee and to add this language: “The Convener’s express responsibility shall be to chair the Executive Committee, and this individual will be selected by the members of the Executive Committee.”
Moved (Phil Pierce), S (Pam Pierce) and Voted: To Amend Article V (Meetings) to read: “Regular meetings shall be held twice during the year. One such meeting shall be held during the Conference week on Star Island, and the second meeting at a location, date and time chosen by the council. Additional meetings shall be determined by a majority of the members of the Council. The Quorum for regular meetings and special meetings shall be at least twenty (20) members present.”
Moved (B. Gimpel), S (E. Yermack) and Voted: To establish a new Article VI (Nominating Committee) to read: “The nominating committee shall consist of five members, and shall be elected by a majority of members of the governing council. The nominating committee will be comprised of three members of the governing council and two non-members of the governing council. The committee shall choose its own chair. The Committee will be formed for the purpose of identifying and nominating non-chair individuals to serve on the conference’s governing council and both chair and non-chair individuals to the Executive Committee. In addition, this body shall nominate members for other positions and opportunities related to the governance of the All Star One conference as may arise.”
M (H. Powsner), S: (C. Lentz) and Voted: Amend Article VII (RE: the make-up and terms of Executive Committee members) to read: “The Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority of the members at the annual off-island meeting. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members serving staggered terms of three (3) years, and a Treasurer and Registrar, as ex-officio, voting members, each serving terms of three (3) years. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the organization between meetings of the members. At least two members shall be members of the governing council who are other than former chairs. In extraordinary circumstances, there may be the need to act very quickly in the name of the Council. In these circumstances, the Executive Committee is empowered to act in the name of the All Star One Governing Council. These circumstances would be limited to those that relate to that summer’s conference and are short-term decisions that the current chairs have stated that they do not wish to make themselves.”
Moved (E. Yermack), S (P. Pierce) and Voted: Simplify language in Article VIII (Committees) to read: “Committees may be established by the Executive Committee or by the Council.”
Moved (P. Pierce), S (K. Harris) and Voted: To Establish a new Article IX (Dissolution) to read: “On the dissolution of the Council, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for public purpose.”
Other motions:
Moved (E. Yermack), S (T. Coleman) and Voted by acclamation: To approve the nomination of Pam Pierce to serve on the Executive Committee until she can be replaced by a nominated candidate; to re-elect Debbie Weiner Soule as secretary, to re-elect Charlie Close to serve for another term on the Executive Committee, and to refer the position of registrar to the nominating committee. Pam Pierce was approved as Council of Conferences representative, replacing Roy Cook.
M (Jim Prochaska), S (Phil Pierce), and Voted: To charge the governance task force with nominating a Nominating Committee, with the proposed slate to be approved by the Chairs.
Voted by the Chairs during electronic voting (ratified May 5, 2013):
To ratify the following nominations, made by the All Star One Nominating Committee:
Registrar (3-year term): Ali Walton; Governance Council and Executive Committee (3 year terms): Karen Mills and Louise Williams; Governance Council (2 year terms): Michele Cohen and Steve Parr; Governance Council (1 year term): Adam Osgood. Elissa Best was elected to complete the unexpired term of Charlie Close on the Executive Committee (expires October, 2015). Elected to Life terms on the Governance Council: Pete Williams, Lois Williams, Elee Bernd, Tom Griffiths, David Yermack.
2013 Meeting* on Star Island (June 30, 2013):
Moved (Jim Prochaska), S (Phil Pierce) and Voted by acclamation: To adopt an Annual Fund goal of $90K for the 2013 year.
To Elect Dave and Suzanne Cook as Chairs for 2015.
*This was the first meeting of the newly-constituted Governance Council, following bylaw changes voted by the All Star One Chairs.