All Star 1 Family Conference
Fall Governance Meeting
September 21, 2024 at 2:00 PM EST
Please join us on zoom:
All Star 1 is a family-friendly conference at which you may start your summer with a restorative and relaxing week full of intellectual, musical, and other thoughtful and artistic pursuits that promote personal growth and inclusive community, where families, couples and singles return year after year and where newcomers are warmly welcomed.
Your day at All Star 1 might start with morning meditation in the Summer House, a polar bear dip off the dock, or a cup of coffee on the Oceanic Hotel’s expansive porch. Your evening might end by attending (or even participating in) a show, chapel service, or late-night music. In between, you are served three nutritious family-style meals, and can attend a morning lecture, catch an afternoon talk-on-the-rocks or nap, commune with nature, complete your crafts or puzzles on the porch, create your masterpiece in the art barn, or rock on a chair or in a band (so bring your musical instruments, whether acoustic or electric!). While each day is full of scheduled and impromptu activities, what and how much you choose to do is entirely up to you.
All Star 1 parents and their children – from newborn Nestlings to Senior Teens – benefit from our Children’s Program which provides age-appropriate activities led by dedicated teachers from 9:30-11:30 AM and from 1:30-3:00 PM on most days. Age-based bedtimes between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM are non-negotiable and hall monitoring during this entire interval is provided on the Oceanic and Atlantic corridors of the hotel’s second floor where infants, young children and their parents preferentially sleep. All this support allows parents to have a vacation with – and admittedly fleetingly from – their kids. Additional activities include the Children’s Talent Show, the much anticipated Great People Hunt, the Quadrathlon, and – for Junior Teens – a prolonged project building a raft together and paddling it to Smuttynose Island and back!
Please join us for a communal week of camaraderie, conversation, recreation, entertainment, laughter, learning, enlightenment, and discovery through cherished traditions and chance encounters that connect us to each other and to our spirit’s home.
Thanks to Chairs Michele and Matthew Cohen and Speaker Rebecca Klaper, Ph.D. for the fantastic week!
Star Island Sunset Camera
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