Admissions Policy

The All Star I conference has a limited capacity and often is oversubscribed. An admissions policy has been established to guide the Chairs in admissions decisions when full capacity is reached by March 10 (postmarked date of registration checks). If capacity is not reached on that date then admission decisions are based on the postmarked date of the registration check for those applications postmarked after March 10.

The admissions policy is written to balance the need for growth through new conferees and to maintain our community by permitting attendance for as many as possible, as often as possible. At All Star I it is specifically understood that membership in this conference is not, and cannot be, predicated upon race, color, sex or sexual orientation.

All Star I Admissions Policy

This policy is intended to foster the qualities that have made All Star I a strong, successful conference, and to support the continuity that allows its conferees to develop the commitment that will lead them to devote time, energy, and financial support to All Star I and to the Island.

The All Star I Registrar, Treasurer, Housing Coordinator, Minister of the Week, Children’s Staff, Children’s Program Coordinator, Chairpersons, the Chairs-Elect, and the previous year’s Chairs are automatically admitted to the conference.

Persons applying to the conference by the March 10 deadline will be admitted prior to those who apply to the conference late, given available and appropriate housing. Applicants who apply after March 10th will be prioritized according to order of application receipt, with necessary consideration of housing accommodations.

The number of applicants often exceeds the number who can be accepted to the conference. In deciding who shall be admitted in such cases, current Chairs will consider the following (listed below in no particular order):

  • The importance of admitting regular, long-standing attendees
  • The importance of extended, multi-generation families
  • The continuity of participation in the children’s program, particularly in grades 6-12
  • The applicant’s service to All Star I in the recent past
  • The applicant’s expected service to the upcoming conference
  • The importance of admitting elderly or ill long-standing conferees
  • The availability of appropriate housing
  • The benefit of admitting new attendees to the conference


If, after considering the criteria above, there remain more regularly-attending, long-standing conferees than can be accepted, chairs will prioritize such applicants who have recently taken a year off.

The current Chairs may admit up to fifteen applicants who, for whatever reason, would not otherwise be admitted, for example, those who apply late or who do not meet the above considerations. This discretion should be used sparingly.  Chairs will identify their discretionary admits each year to the Registrar.


Voted October 1996, amended November 2002, amended March 2016, and voted October 2016


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