Children’s Program Mission

All Star I Family Conference Children’s Program Mission and Coordinator and Staff Responsibilities

Mission of the All Star I’s Children’s Program

The children’s program coordinators and staff strive to create a welcoming, respectful, safe, and vibrant community for all children.

(Please see the history of the All Star I Children’s Program for more information.)

Responsibilities of the Children’s Program Coordinators

1.  Place children of all admitted families into appropriate age groups, keeping in mind the importance of creating a positive chemistry within the group.

2.  Appoint two staff people for each group, with consideration for staff strengths, teaching experience, and talents with children of this age.

3.  Oversee the program budget, balancing money spent, possible savings, with the primary goal of providing an excellent program for participants.

4.  Respond to questions and concerns from parents through the late Winter and Spring regarding children’s group assignments, room assignments, and medical and emotional challenges,

5.  Communicate with staff regarding classroom assignments, expenditures for materials needed for their activities, curriculum ideas, and the financial agreement AS1 provides for those on Staff.

6.  Assign Art, Music, Vaughn Cottage, Marine Lab to all groups and coordinate field trip schedules.

7.  Communicate with, and serve as liaison to, various Island administrators and crew chiefs, regarding needs of the Children’s Program in areas of supplies, health and safety, food, space use, equipment needs, etc.

8.  Purchase while off Island, and distribute while on Island, snacks for the week, to each group.

10.  Hold an on-Island staff meeting immediately after arrival on the island.

11.  Hold a parent/child orientation on Sunday morning.

12.  Facilitate group leader needs to insure a successful week.

13. Work to manage all discipline issues that may arise, with parents and children understanding the commitment the conference has for healthy behavior during the week.

14.  Substitute for or augment staff as projects and activities require.

15.  Ensure that all bedtimes are upheld.

16.  Collect all supply receipts and submit them to the AS1 Treasurer.

17.  Visit each class, during each class period, all week.

18.  Send an end-of-the-week evaluation and thank you letter after the conference.

Responsibilities of Children’s Staff

Working on the All Star I Children’s Staff requires planning and co-teacher partnership before one comes to the Island, and patience once one is there.  All Star I Children’s Staff are hired for their talents and professionalism.  These are challenging and time-consuming jobs, and All Star I  covers room and board for those on the children’s staff in acknowledgement of the more than twenty hours of work on-island offered by the staff.

These positions require a level of commitment to a job that lasts all week, and requires each staff member to not just show up for approximately 3 1/2 hours each day, but to be fully engaged with the children, and ready to make a positive difference in their Star Island experience.

Staff should have experience working with and educating children off-Island in some capacity.  Staff are expected to engage with the children who are depending upon them for a great week.

Before coming to the Island, staff are required to research projects for their groups, make lesson plans, and purchase materials needed to implement their activities, operating within a budget.  Staff need to have not only Plan A in place, but plans B, C, and D as well.

For further information please contact: Deb Walton and Lisa Jennings, Children’s Program Co-coordinators ( )


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