Our conference is guided by the Governance Council. This group is made up of the following:
- Former, current, and immediate future chairs of All Star I and elected lifetime and term members. the registrar, and the treasurer.
The Governance Council meets twice a year to conduct the ongoing business of the conference, review its health, and plan for its future. The Governance Council meets on the island during the conference (generally on Sundays) and again off island in October. This group also is responsible for selecting chairs for future All Star I conferences. Beginning in 2002 we moved to a system in which we identify the chairs for two years of conferences, so that the chairs two years’ removed can focus on the details of doing this job and have time to assimilate details. We also welcome suggestions from the community of those individuals you believe would make good chairs for our conference. If you have such suggestions, you can email us at, or feel free to talk to one of the Executive Committee members on the island shortly after your arrival for the conference.
The Governance Council has established a process for Selection of Chairs: Selecting Future Chairs
Executive Committee
At present, we are: Katy Biron (recording secretary), Andy Bristol, (convener), Beth Corsa (Registrar Joy Close, Matthew Cohen, Jenny Easter Nelson, Plasha Fielding Will, Ken Hallows, Shelly Powsner, Gabrielle Prochaska, Scott Stewart, and David Yermack (treasurer) . The members of the Governance Council are invited to meetings as appropriate. We invite your suggestions for our work and welcome your feedback. Please write to, to communicate with us!
At the November, 2004 meeting of the All Star I Chairs, an Executive Committee was created to act as an ongoing governance group for the All Star One I and through them, the All Star I conference. The Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority of the members at the annual off-island meeting. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members serving staggered terms of three (3) years, and a Treasurer and Registrar, as ex-officio, voting members, each serving terms of three (3) years. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the organization between meetings of the members. At least two members shall be members of the governing council who are other than former chairs.
Annual Report to the Community 2017 – Annual Report to the All Star I Conference community 11-2017
Healing and Reconciliation Committee
The Healing and Reconciliation Committee’s purpose is to help our All Star 1 conference in fostering a healthy, open, responsible and supportive community.
As with any group, there are times when expectations are not met, disappointments occur, misunderstandings arise and communication breaks down. In the best of all possible worlds, when this happens, we hope to address our differences directly and openly. When this seems impossible, the Healing & Reconciliation committee can help.
We are here to listen to concerns. We hold all conversations in confidence. We are ready to help find a way to work things out so that everyone’s needs are recognized and, ideally, met.
How we want to be together in this community and in the larger world is important to us. To that end, please let us know about your questions or concerns. Share with us your ideas for helping us flourish as a healthy, caring, and responsible community. The committee is charged with recommending policies and practices that will promote the health of the All Star 1 community. The members of the committee are: Elissa Best, David Cook, Betsy Frederick, Lois Kitz, Shelley Powsner, and Deb Weiner-Soule.
Our process for handling conflict are outlined on the Handling Conflict Page.
Nominating Committee
The members of the Nominating Committee are: Elissa Best, Ann Etter, Theo Griffin, Marlene Smurzynski, and Lizzie Xu. The Nominating Committee nominates people to the following committees: Executive, Healing and Reconciliation, Financial Aid, the Governance Council, the Recording Secretary, the Housing Coordinator and the Children’s Program Coordinator. The nominees are then voted on at the Fall Governance Council Meeting. If you are interested in serving on any of these committees or positions, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee.
Financial Aid Committee
The Financial Aid Committee reviews request for Financial Aid and determines the funds to be awarded. The Treasurer ensures that these funds are covered. The members of the Financial Aid Committee are: Caroline Quijada (convener), Jamie Brewer, John Doty, and Jenny Easter Nelson.
Governance Council
The Governance Council consists of Elected, Current, and Former Chairs lifetime members who are not former Chairs and up to five term-limited elected members who are not former Chairs).
Life-time members Elected
Pete Williams 2013 (Deceased 2015)
Lois Williams 2013
Elee Bernd 2013
Tom Griffiths 2013
David Yermack 2013 (Chair 2018)
Shelley Powsner 2014
Steve Skrovan 2014
Louise Williams 2015 (Chair 2018)
Liz Erickson 2016
George Robbins 2016
Liz and Jeff Hendrick 2017
Stafford and Debbie Cohen 2018
Norman and Lisbeth Winarsky 2019