Fall Meeting 2023

DRAFT Agenda

All Star I, Annual Meeting

December 2, 2023


4:00 Call to Order – (Keith Knox)

4:05 Milestones

4:10 Consent Agenda/Acceptance of Reports A – I

Approval of Oct 2022 and July 2023 Minutes (Katy Biron) – A – AS1 Annual Governing Meeting October 22 2022B – AS1 Governance Meeting July 5 2023

Registration (Susan O’Loughlin) – C – 2023 Registrars Report

2023 Chairs’ Report (April and Ray Castoldi) – D – All Star I 2023 Chairs’ Report

2024 Chairs’ Report (Matthew and Michele Cohen) – E – All Star 1 2024 Chairs’ Status Report

Star Island Corporation Report (Caroline Quijada) – F – SIC Board Report from 2023

Star Island Annual Fund update (Louise Williams) – G – Annual Fund Progress Report for 2023

Council of Conferences Report (Ann Etter) – H – 2023 Council of Conferences Report

Conference Evaluations (Matthew and Michele Cohen) – I – All Star 1 2023 Conference Evaluation Summary

4:20 –Executive Committee Proposal (Keith Knox) – J – Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior

4:30 – Star Island Status and Future Plans (Joe Watts)

4:55 – Break

5:00 – Highlights of the 2023 Conference (April and Ray Castoldi)

5:05 – 2024 Conference Planning Status (Matthew and Michele Cohen)

5:10 – Discussion of All Star I Revitalization (Matthew and Michele Cohen)

5:20 – Elections (Dale Stewart) – K – 2023 Nominating Committee Report

5:30 – Treasurer’s report and Budget (David Yermack) – L – 2023 Treasurer’s Report

5:50 – New Business

  • As stated in Ann Etter’s CoC report, two All Star I representatives are needed for 2024
  • Other

6:00 –Adjourn


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