Volunteer Jobs

All Star I relies on volunteers to manage the activities of the conference. Information about your volunteer job can be found by clicking on the heading for each category.

Please don’t feel constrained by these guidelines. They are modified each year based upon experience and new ideas. Your experience and input will continue to make this a valuable resource.


After Hours Art Barn

Art on the Porch

Art Auction

Music & Theater

Adult Variety Show

Skit Writers


Gosport Town Band

A Little Night Music


Social Hour Music

Sports & Games

Polar Bear Dip

Puzzles on the Porch

Social Hour Lawn Games

Softball – All Conference

Softball – Pels vs. All-Star I “Stars”


Exercise & Movement



Hospitality & Social


Clam Bake

Hospitality to New Shoalers

Hospitality to Speaker

Marshmallow Roast

Morning Coffee

Social Hour Beverages

Social Hour Food

Sunday Coffee and Juice

Welcome Refreshments

Yankee Swap

Banquet Night


Banquet Table Decorations

Friday Night Cabaret

Friday Evening Kids’ Parties

Friday Night Cleanup

Grand March – Children

Grand March – Adults


Bird Walk

Book discussion Group

Geology Walk

History Walk

Botany/Low Tide Walk-Marine Lab Staff

Talks on the Rocks

Music on the Porch (Ukulele/Guitar)


Chapel Flowers

Evening Chapel

Morning Chapel

Children’s Activities

Volunteer Jobs Children’s Activities

Children’s Variety Show

Children’s Chapel

Fourth of July Festival

Marshmallow Roast

Great People Hunt

Kids Social Hour Snacks at Movies

Kids Social Hour Movies

Kiddy Barn Social Hour Care

Kiddy Barn Social Hour Snacks

Lawn Games during Social Hour/pre-teens


Children’s Last Night Celebration/Games


Bell Ringer


Boat News

Evaluations – Conference

Name Cards – Children

Name Tags

Roll Calls of States & Years

Town Meeting

Voice of All Star I

Volunteer Activity Guidelines Update

Wake-up Chorus

Administration & Miscellaneous


Minister of the Week


Room Registrar

Sunday Chapel

Storage Bins

Trouble Shooters


All-Star I Volunteer Activity Guidelines

If you have the full document in your computer, you should be able to <Ctrl> click on the heading below and go directly to the page you want.

Table of Activities

After Hours Art Barn3

Art Auction4

Island Paintin’ & Drawin’7

Porch Stitchin’ & Quiltin’9

Adult Variety Show10

Skit Writers11


Gosport Town Band13

A Little Night Music15


Social Hour Music19

Fourth of July Games20


Polar Bear Dip23

Puzzles on the Porch24


Social Hour Lawn Games28

Softball – All Conference30

Softball – Pels vs. All-Star I “Stars”31


Aerobics & Toning34

Ballroom Dancing35

Intergenerational Self Defense36



Tai Chi39

Walking for Exercise40



Clam Bake44

Hospitality to New Shoalers46

Hospitality to Speaker49

Marshmallow Roast51

Morning Coffee52

Social Hour Beverages54

Social Hour Food56

Sunday Coffee and Juice58

Welcome Refreshments60

Yankee Swap61


Banquet Table Decorations66

Friday Night Cabaret68

Friday Evening Kids’ Parties70

Friday Night Cleanup74

Grand March – Children75

Grand March – Adults76

Book Discussion Group77

Updated July 2004Geology Walk. 77

Geology Walk78

History Walk79

Star Gazing80

Writers’ Workshop81

Talks on the Rocks82

Chapel Flowers83

Evening Chapel85

Morning Chapel87

Children’s Social Hour Movies89

Children’s Variety Show91

Singin’ in the Rain92

Fourth of July Ceremonies93

Great People Hunt95

Gull Evening Presence96

Junior Teen Evening Presence97

Kiddie Barn Helpers98

Monitors – Junior Teens99

Social Hour Child-Care Coordinators100

Storytime – 3-5 year-olds101

Bell Ringer102


Boat News105

Evaluations – Conference106

Name Cards – Children108

Name Tags109

Roll Calls of States & Years111

Town Meeting112

Voice of All Star I113

Volunteer Activity Guidelines Update114

Wake-up Chorus116


Minister of the Week120


Room Registrar122

Sunday Chapel123

Storage Bins124

Trouble Shooters125

Please don’t feel constrained by these guidelines. They are modified each year based upon experience and new ideas. Your experience and input will continue to make this a valuable resource.

The activities are grouped in an effort to make them easier to find. These categorizations are somewhat arbitrary, so please bear with us.

Updated July 2009


After Hours Art Barn

Activity:Provide coverage for the art barn at times not covered by regular staff

When: Mon-Fri, 11:00 a.m. to noon (needs advertisement if offered after speaker) or Sun-Fri 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm.

Where: Art Barn

Responsibilities:Help others use art barn and provide supplies

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1.Plan with others involved what projects to do and who will help with them

2.Coordinate with art barn staff and purchase materials needed for projects

3.Include a note in the “Boat News”

On Island:

1.Start with inventory of existing materials to avoid duplication (2002 inventory available from Chairs) – Important to have a few planned activities.

2.Coordinate projects & supplies with regular art barn staff – have a basic set of tools (rulers, scissors, exacto knives, needlenose pliers, adhesion assortment – paste, rubber cement, etc.)

3.Make people feel welcome, provide space & supplies for planned projects and for independent projects, have cross-over capability for individual creativity

4.Coordinate with regular art barn staff to pack and inventory supplies at end of week

Follow up Responsibilities:Clean art barn

People Needed: 2 coordinators

Materials:Art materials

Total Cost: Less than $250 in 2002; $9.62 in 2006 with other materials donated

Comments:In 1997 interest was high – Bug art, John Best’s kite workshop, and a variety of other activities (boxes, shirts) brought people out.2002: Painting & wire sculpture popular activities.Suggest that not offer on July 4.Mardi Gras masks and island collages in 2006.Announce that Fri table decoration projects be completed by 4:30.

Past participants:1995 ? David Epstein, Elissa Best, Adam Osgood, Jim Johnston.

1997 – Elizabeth Yermack, Jean Remington.1998 – Anne Lenox, Sally Sussman, Sevia Phillips. 1999 – Jocelyn Pierce and Nat Fash.2002 – Roy & Marion Cook, Kathy Jenkins, Jen Close, Andrew Robbins, Jane Trudeau.2005-Jocelyn Pierce.2006-Jocelyn Pierce and Laura Fredericks. Updated March 2007

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