

Art – printable copy – Art volunteer

After Hours Art Barn

Art on the Porch

Art Auction


After Hours Art Barn

Activity:  The Art Barn is open during the later afternoon after Children’s Program has ended.  The coordinators of this activity plan, bring materials, and lead/cover the Art Barn for the craft activities. In 2017, the island had a Pelican assigned to the Art Barn who was available to help with the planning, and she was there for some of the activities depending on her schedule.  After Hours Art Barn is from 3:00 to 4:30 Sunday thru Friday.


Off Island: 

  1. Plan and purchase materials for craft activities. Participants can range from young children to seniors.


  1. Contact “The Boat News “ volunteer and have them place information about the planned activities, or whether people need to bring shirts for Tie Dye. Etc. in “The Boat News”.


On Island:

  1. Coordinate with Art Barn Pelican and unpack and store materials in designated area of the Art Barn.


  1. Set-up and coordinate staffing for After Hours Art Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon 3:00-4:30.


Cost:  Contact All-Star I Treasurer about your budget for supplies.


Past Volunteers:  Jill Loewer, Holly and Adam Hunnicutt, Sally Easter, Anne Lenox, Suzanne Cook, Angel Russek


Art on the Porch

Activity:  Art projects are set up on the front porch for adults to complete during the afternoon Children’s Program time slot Monday thru Thursday of the week.


Responsibilities:  Plan and staff the project table on the front porch each scheduled afternoon.  Projects should be easy for people to join in, and generally, each afternoon has a different project.


Off Island:  Coordinate with other Art on the Porch volunteers, plan projects, and purchase supplies.


On Island: 

  1. Coordinate with Conference Services for table setup.


  1. Set-up and facilitate projects


  1. Clean up


Cost:  Contact All-Star I Treasurer regarding the supply budget.


Past Volunteers:  Laurie Lentz-Marino, Stephanie Sersich, Suzanne Cook, Kim Corfman, Laurie Powsner


Art Auction

Activity:  The Art Auction is an event that is held during the All-Star I week where conferees bring items such as handmade sweaters, mittens, scarves, water color paintings, handmade crafts and jewelry to contribute in order to raise money to give to the Star Island Annual Fund. This event has two components: (1) The Silent Auction, in which bidding ends on Thursday at Social Hour, and payment is collected on Friday morning. (2) The Live Auction, which is comprised of items such as a Catered Dinner for 10 people, a Week or a Week-end at another conferee’s vacation home, and the highest bid items from the Silent Auction, occurs during Friday’s Social Hour and is a very lively event! Payment is collected (immediately) at the event so the total money for both events can be calculated and the information shared at the Banquet dinner that evening.


Off Island:

  1. In late May/early June, draft a short “Don’t forget to bring your Art Auction donations to Star” paragraph and send it to the Conference Chairs to send out to conferees. There is usually also a paragraph in the Porch News, but having an extra email with only one topic in it will remind people who don’t get around to reading the Porch News.


  1. Prior to the conference, contact past conferees who have offered vacation rental items for the live auction in the past to see if they are interested in donating again. (Past vacation rental donors include: Marita Sturken, the Brewers, the Gimpels, and the Basdekis).


  1. Contact the prior year’s auction volunteer and ask them to send you the Excel spreadsheet, which you will use to enter in items as they are donated, and to enter in the ultimate sale price. This will calculate the total auction earnings for you much more quickly than adding up the sale prices by hand!


  1. Think about and bring any tools you might need. There is a box of auction supplies in the All-Star I Store Room located in Brookfield. Things in the box include the template to copy for bid sheets, pencils, red Sharpie markers for closing the silent auction, push pins, masking tape, blue painter’s tape, scissors, string.  The Conference Treasurer will have Tax Receipts for donors who request them.  Bring a yellow legal pad or another notebook, a small hammer, additional Sharpies, your Lap Top (with your charger!), and one or two desktop calculators. You can request to borrow some hangers from Conference Services for displaying the clothing items.


On Island: 

  1. Ask Conference Services to unlock the All-Star I storage closet in Brookfield so you can retrieve the box of supplies. Bring the box to Newton to your corner to the right of the Newton kitchen door. You might consider asking conference services if a card table is available—space is tight in that corner when you are receiving donated items.


  1. Go to the business office and make copies of the bid sheet forms. Begin with 100 copies then make additional copies as necessary.


  1. Decide when you want to start receiving donations and publicize via the Lobby black board, and by letting the Conference Chair know to add it to the Voice of Star’s announcement list. If you decide to start receiving items on Sunday at Social Hour, this has the advantage of spreading out donations over one additional day, decreases the length of the donor line, and it starts the “buzz”, e.g. potential buyer interest about items and gets the bidding started.  An alternate view is to start accepting items at Monday social hour.   In addition to receiving donated items at social hour, folks will likely hand you things at other times of day and other locations.  Just remember to fill out a bid sheet and enter these stray items into the Excel spreadsheet!


  1. For displaying donations: The folding wood panels are usually kept in a corner in Newton.  If you don’t see them, ask Conference Services to bring them.  You will probably want an additional folding 4×8 foot table or two.


  1. Several types of items need to be picked up and put in a safe place at the end of Social Hour each day. These include expensive jewelry (e.g. high value jewelry), alcohol, and tobacco (cigars).  Bring them back and put them on display at the beginning of each day’s social hour—you can leave the bid sheets where they were so you remember where you put them.


  1. Choosing Items for the Live Auction: Your goal is to have about 10 live auction items. If you have too many, the live auction takes too long and folks are late for dinner. You would also have less time to collect payment, and tally your total sales, which folks will want to announce at the banquet.  Note: Social Hour begins a little earlier on Fridays to allow for enough time for the auction.)


  1. Closing the Silent Auction: Drum up a few extra auction volunteers for this, in addition to your regular team.  Give each of them a red sharpie marker.   Have a loud person announce on the microphone that the silent auction will be ending at a certain time, which is in 30 minutes; announce again with 15 minutes left; and 5 minutes left; finally, “the silent auction is closing”.  Close

the silent auction at 6:15 (leaving 15 minutes to handle questions and for folks to pick up their winning items).  Have your volunteers preassigned to various areas on the wall or on the tables, and when the closing announcement is made, they can start circling the winning bid on each bid sheet.



  1. If you have unsold items, you can return them to the donor, or offer to keep them (in the auction box) for next year’s auction. In 2017, there were a few things that didn’t sell by the end of the silent auction, but folks offered to buy the items on Friday morning, so keep track of what happened to these items.


  1. Accepting Payments for the Silent Auction: On Thursday, ask Conference Services to bring you a 4×8 foot table to set up in the lobby after breakfast on Friday. Sometime earlier in the week, talk to the conference Treasurer about bringing you a money bag containing change. Next to the pillar in the lobby is a good place to set up, as there is a love seat and an outlet for your lap top. Grab extra chairs from the snack bar as needed.


You can accept cash or checks.  Tally up each purchaser’s stack of winning bid sheets.  Have the payor write the item number(s) from the bid sheet(s) on their check.  Double check your “unclaimed/unpicked up items and bid sheets” in case someone is paying for other stuff and missed something.   Have one of your volunteers enter in the purchaser, amount paid, and payment type into the Excel spreadsheet.   Have someone tally up the amounts on the paper bid sheets.  Have someone add up all the cash and checks.  The total you collect should equal the amounts on the bid sheets and match the totals in the spreadsheet.  Track down anyone who didn’t collect an item they won, and collect payment.


  1. At Friday lunch and on the blackboard, announce the live auction (suggestion: remind people to bring their checkbooks!)  The Chairs will likely assign someone to be the live auction auctioneer. Ask your auctioneer if they asked a couple of tall people to be spotters (to help see who is trying to bid); if not, enlist a couple more.  Ask your auctioneer if they have anyone to be a “Vanna White”, e.g. to wear and show off homemade jewelry, or to carry artwork.  In 2017, in addition to the Auctioneer’s spotter, several of us auction volunteers also tried to keep track of the winner and the winning bid for each item.  It gets pretty chaotic, so it helps to have several people writing down what they see and hear.  It gets particularly busy if donors are volunteering to sell an item more than once (because if that happens after that item sells, you might not remember who the next couple of high bidders were).   As soon as the live auction ends start collecting payments.  Some people will pay you at social hour, or dinner, or at the late-night party.  Your goal is to collect all payments Friday night, rather than having to track down payments on Saturday.  Also, it is better accounting practice for the auction volunteers to collect payments, and mark the items as paid, and enter this info into the spreadsheet, rather than have winning bidders pay our conference Treasurer, directly (because then you don’t have all the info entered for the record).  Touch base with the Treasurer regarding any payments you are still tracking down, and ask winning bidders to pay you, and then you should forward the payment to the Treasurer.  Finally, people will want to know, at the Banquet, how much the auction earned, so even if you haven’t collected all your payments yet, add up your winning live auction bids, and to that number add your total silent auction intake, which should be your total earnings.  Don’t be surprised additional duplicate auction items get announced during dinner (bring your yellow pad, a pencil or your calculator, so you can update your total!)


  1. Clean up: Return all your supplies to the auction box, and return it to the All Star I closet in Brookfield. Try to remember what supplies need replenishing so you can tell next year’s auction person what to bring.  Bring home a handful of tax receipts in case someone contacts you after the conference asking for a tax receipt.  If the donor has questions about the value of the donation, refer them to the Conference Treasurer—it may NOT be the price paid for the item!  SAVE YOUR SPREADSHEET IN MULTIPLE PLACES and print it out too.  Folks may contact you after the conference asking who “won” their donated item, and how much that person paid.  Also, your laptop may crash, as mine did, and you will want to have a copy of the spreadsheet to give to next year’s auction chair.


Updated 2018

After Hours Art Barn

Activity:Provide coverage for the art barn at times not covered by regular staff

When: Mon-Fri,11:00 a.m. to noon (needs advertisement if offered after speaker) or Sun-Fri 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm.

Where: Art Barn

Responsibilities:Help others use art barn and provide supplies

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1.Plan with others involved what projects to do and who will help with them

2.Coordinate with art barn staff and purchase materials needed for projects

3.Include a note in the “Boat News”

On Island:

1.Start with inventory of existing materials to avoid duplication (2002 inventory available from Chairs) – Important to have a few planned activities.

2.Coordinate projects & supplies with regular art barn staff – have a basic set of tools (rulers, scissors, exacto knives, needlenose pliers, adhesion assortment – paste, rubber cement, etc.)

3.Make people feel welcome, provide space & supplies for planned projects and for independent projects, have cross-over capability for individual creativity

4.Coordinate with regular art barn staff to pack and inventory supplies at end of week

Follow up Responsibilities:Clean art barn

People Needed: 2 coordinators

Materials:Art materials

Total Cost: Less than $250 in 2002; $9.62 in 2006 with other materials donated

Comments:In 1997 interest was high – Bug art, John Best’s kite workshop, and a variety of other activities (boxes, shirts) brought people out.2002: Painting & wire sculpture popular activities.Suggest that not offer on July 4.Mardi Gras masks and island collages in 2006.Announce that Fri table decoration projects be completed by 4:30.

Past participants:1995 ? David Epstein, Elissa Best, Adam Osgood, Jim Johnston.

1997 – Elizabeth Yermack, Jean Remington.1998 – Anne Lenox, Sally Sussman, Sevia Phillips. 1999 – Jocelyn Pierce and Nat Fash.2002 – Roy & Marion Cook, Kathy Jenkins, Jen Close, Andrew Robbins, Jane Trudeau.2005-Jocelyn Pierce.2006-Jocelyn Pierce and Laura Fredericks. Updated March 2007


Art Auction

Silent Art Auction and Live Art Auction

Activity: Silent auction of items donated by conferees.Approximately 5-10 individual items are also selected for a live auction.

Responsibilities: Solicit auction items, locate and set up display panels and tables, arrange display area (with Social Hour people, foot people and anyone else who may be planning to use the front room during Social Hour), provide auction-bid slips, provide pencils, close auction at specified time, collect money.

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1.Contact Chairs to get conference list as soon as available.

2.Ask Chairs to feature the Auction prominently in their next mailing, asking for contributions.

3.You may want to contact known artists and crafts people among conferees – send cards or phone to ask them if they would like to contribute.

4.Contact Boat News people to include an item.

5.Prepare bidding forms – sample attached.Make lots.It’s expensive to do on the Island. (Fewer than 65 in 1994; over 140 in 1995!)

6.Bring lots of stick-pins.They work better than thumb tacks.

7.Bring lots of pencils for bidding.(Short stubs are fine.)

8. Bring a staple gun and staples for mounting sign up sheets on boards.

On Island:

8.Announce at mealtime when you will accept items and when they may be seen.

9.Ask Conference Services person if you may have a lock for the cabinet in Newton.(Cabinet is on right side as you walk from front room to back room.)Also ask Conference Services to bring three additional 6 – 8 foot tables to Newton.Discuss with Social Hour volunteers whether even more tables (possibly five) should be provided, as well as how you and they will share the space provided in the locked closets.

10. Check for location of folding display panels.

–There were four of the newer four- or five-section panels.These stand alone and store well.

–There are a number of older, unstable and partly hinged panels.These can be used but you will not want to put them up more than once. They may lean against wall or can be made stable by nailing sticks across tops of adjacent pairs.

11. Determine your schedule (see below) and announce your rules.

12. Set up a cashier’s table on Friday night

–Recruit at least three-four good cashiers from 6:00 to 6:30.

–Have change: at least $20 in singles plus some $5s and $10s.

13. At the announced quitting time, one or more of committee must move quickly from one bidding slip to the next, marking with magic marker the final bid by drawing a line beneath it.

14. Identify early in the week someone to run the live auction, if it’s decided that there should be one.The live auction has earned more money each year.

Expenses are minimal.You need to supply push pins, 2 oz. Paper cups (to hold “golf” pencils, which you also supply). Print approximately 400 bid forms ( 2 per 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper) at home.

Suggested Procedures:

Display and viewing opportunity. The auction should earn as much money as possible.To do this a silent auction must permit time for competitive bidding and rebidding when someone’s bid has been raised.One social hour, or worse yet, a part of a social hour, was simply not long enough.In addition, conferees seem inspired to create and contribute when they see what others have done.The number of items increases even on the last night.

We suggest that the display should begin as early as possible, probably the Tuesday social hour!The number of items this early in the week will be small.Art can be pinned to the folding display panels.While there is only one panel, this might be in the back room with the food and drink.At 6:30, the panel can be folded, with the art still attached, and placed in the storage closet.Adding additional items each day would reduce the frantic set-up by the committee Friday, after showers and before Social Hour.

Small jewelry items can be pinned to the display boards.

Larger items, sculpture and other solid items which require a table for display present a different challenge.Some might be set out early in the week, but probably must be taken down and put away after social hour each night.You may choose not to display it until Thursday or Friday.

Bidding can begin as soon as items are displayed – since there is no advantage to being the first one to bid.Tack a bidding slip next to each item.It identifies the item.Number each slip.Create a list or inventory, by number and with brief description of item and name of contributor.The bids will be written by the bidders directly on these slips.

In 1994 the auction items were all in the back room and food and drink was in both.In 1995 with beer and elegant hor d’hoeuvres, there was no room.We found that setting up the front room made it far more attractive and easier for the bidders to get around.

Friday is necessarily hectic for this committee.We set up the display after showering – but before some of us were dressed.(This allows the dressed ones to remain for final contributions and security – still have day-trippers in the late afternoon – while the others get dressed for banquet.)

Begin announcing the closing time – loudly – 15 minutes before bidding ends, and again at 10 and 5 minutes before.Since it’s actually over only when the black line is drawn on the bidding slip, don’t bother to announce the final close – there may still be a few extra dollars in the few minutes you run around the room.

When the auction is closed, each slip will be marked by the committee with a magic marker, blocking off the space below the final bid.The winner should not take this slip down until

(a) the bidding is closed and (b) he is going to the cashier to pay for the item.The winner should bring the slip and money to the cashier.The cashier should mark the slip to indicate whether it was paid by cash or check, and keep the slip.This can be very quick if the cashiers have a box or boxes to pile their slips and checks and cash.Cashiers may have to total a number of separate slips.Keep these slips together and record the total (?circle it) on the final slip.Provide a space a few feet away from the cashiers for those who want to write checks.CHECKS should be made out to the STAR ISLAND CORPORATION.

At least one individual should expect to join his family a little late at banquet, to be certain all the money is secured and the paper-work complete.

The 1994 Auction brought about $2500; 1995 – $3500.In 2003, the auction earned $11+k. In 2004, the auction earned approximately $10,200.

We accepted some items which were not for bid – e.g. bath salts packaged by the Starlings, which were sold at $1.00 a bottle.We simply collected the money and did not record the separate items.

More folding screens with tackable surfaces would be helpful.

Good Luck!And make lots of money for the Island.Additional instructions will be attached or can be obtained from Henry Powsner.

Past participants:1994 – Dick Case. 1995 – Dana & Henry Powsner, Cheryl Meyers, Wendy

Hallows.1998 – Kim&Stan Corfman, Jen Pike, Steve Whitney.1999 – Henry & Dana Powsner. 2002 – Anne Lenox, Jim Sersich.2003 – Dana and Henry Powsner2004—Cathy Jenkins 2005-Keith Knox and Dale Stewart. 2006 – Cathy Jenkins

Updated March 2007


Island Paintin’ & Drawin’

aka:Luck of the Draw, Artist Colony

Activity:Organize an afternoon sketching session

When: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 pm.Do not schedule this at 1:30; the light is poor and there are too many conflicts. Perhaps an interested group can meet at the beginning of the week to decide as a group where/when to meet during the group.Suggestion from 2007 (Kathy Tillman):Rather than offering painting & drawing as a daily activity, I would like to offer it just twice during the week at 3:00 p.m. when the light is better. This can be Sunday through Friday.

Where: At end of porch

Responsibilities:Help people enjoy the Island through drawing and painting

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1. Organize thoughts on how to organize the sessions

2. Purchase sketching and painting materials

3. Bring some sketches and paintings for others to see and discuss

On Island:

1. Be certain that activity is on the blackboard schedule

2. Show paintings and sketches and discuss

3. Distribute materials and help people begin sketches

4. Make suggestions and discuss work of others

Follow up Responsibilities:None

People Needed: 2

Materials:Materials for sketching and painting

Total Cost: Minimal.

Comments:It was fun.Bill and I learned as much and progressed as much as the participants.

1998 – Suggest divide the group into beginners and advanced – have advanced people help beginners.Advanced people may want to go out and paint something as a group.

1999 – For best participation, do not schedule opposite Talks on Rocks or Afternoon Airs.

Past participants:1995 – Bill Tibbs & Roy Cook.1998 – Bill Tibbs & Roy Cook.1999 – Roy Cook.2003 – Kathy Tillman, Sally Sussman, Roy Cook.2004—Kathy Tillman2005 Kathy Tillman, Roy Cook. 2006 – Kathy Tillman, Roy Cook.

Updated March 2007


Porch Stitchin’ & Bitchin’

Activity: Make a quilt during the conference. In recent years this has been people bringing their needlepoint, knitting, sewing, etc. and doing it together.

Responsibilities: Design, organize and oversee a quilting project for the conference, making sure that the quilt is completed by Friday

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1.Come up with a theme that is doable by a group of adults

2.Purchase supplies

3.Gather materials to be used -needles, etc.

4.Prepare backing for project, if necessary, to speed production on-island.

On Island:

5.Recruit volunteers to help with quilt – need approximately 42 people to make squares

6.Make sure to have available tables, chairs, or other equipment, as needed

7.Show interested volunteers how to make sun print

8.Spend about 1-2 hours each day adding new squares

People Needed: One, with several volunteer assistants

Materials: Fabric, thread, needles, scissors, patterns- In 1997 wide variety of materials used (beads, fabric, paint, etc.)

Total Cost:$30-50

Comments: Need to get a wide variety of people to produce squares.Suggest that this be an adult activity.1996 theme – 50 Years of All Star I.In 1997 the Insect Quilt sold at the Auction for $75.1998 – Foundation piecing method of quilting taught.Suggest quilting has run its course – no interest this year.Perhaps change activity to a different craft – basketry?

Past participants: 1994 – Betty Sue Lentz and Jon Hendrick.1995 – Betty Sue Lentz.1996 – Jane Soule.1997 – Edie Whitney.1998 – Jane Soule, Edie Whitney.2005-Jane Soule Upd.Mar99


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