Children’s Activities

Printable Copy: Childrens Activities Job Des.

Children’s Activities

Children’s Variety Show

Children’s Chapel

Fourth of July Festival

Marshmallow Roast

Great People Hunt

Kids Social Hour Snacks for Movies and the Kiddie Barn

Kids Movies during Social Hour

Kiddy Barn Social Hour Care

Lawn Games during Social Hour for pre-teens


Children’s Last Night Celebration/Games


Children’s Variety Show

Activity: On Thursday afternoon at 3:30 a Children’s Variety Show made up of skits, musical performances, dance and various other entertaining acts performed by the children of the conference is held. Each of the children’s groups (Starlings through Junior Teens) usually perform an act, and the show generally lasts 60-75 minutes.

Responsibilities: The coordinator of this event organizes and coordinates the acts in the show, creates the order of the performances, emcees or enlists some volunteers to the emcee the show, and oversees the event.

Off Island:

  • Create “blurb” for the event to go in the “Boat News”. Children should bring their instrument to play, their tap shoes etc.

On Island: 

  • Check-in with each of the Children’s group leaders to see if their group will be performing and what their act will be.
  • Have an announcement made by the “Voice of Star” during Monday lunch to announce the show on Thursday, and that interested acts should come see the show coordinator to sign up.
  • Create the order of performances.
  • Enlist volunteer stage hands to help with props and lights (Junior Teens or Senior Teens enjoy this!)

Follow Up Responsibilities: Remind participants to take their props with them.

Total Cost: None

Materials: Participants bring their own props.

Past Volunteers:  Adrian Sicam, Pam Nightingale, Caroline and Caitlin Stewart, Adam and Laura Osgood     Updated 2018


Children’s Chapel

Activity:  A Children’s Chapel service is held up in the Chapel every morning Monday through Friday before Children’s program begins.

Responsibilities: The coordinator of this event is responsible for contacting and coordinating individuals/families to conduct the service on one of the mornings.  The service is held from 9:00 to 9:20 then the children report to the front porch steps before going to Children’s program.  The coordinator should check in with the Minister of the Week before contacting individual.  The Minister may help with the services, may have an idea or theme for the services, or may direct you to some good participants.

Off Island:

  • Once you have contacted the Minister of the Week to discuss themes and ideas, contact individuals to participate in or lead individual services.

On Island: 

  • Check-in with your Chapel service leaders to see if they require any support.
  • Each morning Monday through Friday at 9:00 am, have an adult and one or two children ring the Chapel Bell very slowly to announce Chapel.
  • Hold services
  • Make sure that Chapel providers know that the service should be over by 9:20 so that children can get back down to the front porch for their Children’s Program meeting.

Follow Up Responsibilities: Thank your Chapel service providers.

Total Cost: None

Materials: Individual service leaders will bring their own supplies.

Past Volunteers: Jenny Easter Nelson, Sally Easter, Stephanie Sersich, Nancy Wood

Updated 2018


4th of July Festival

Activity:  The Fourth of July Festival is held on a designated afternoon (usually the 4th!) instead of Children’s program. This is an all-generation event (usually held on the baseball field/front lawn) that is made up of games and activities.  Past activities have included a water balloon toss, a three-legged race, a flipper race, a short obstacle course (safe for young children too!), a face painting table, and a quick 4th of July craft table.  The entire event usually lasts 60-90 minutes.


Responsibilities: Coordinators of this event are responsible for the running of, the planning of and the bringing of the supplies for each of the races/activities held (possibly bringing prizes for participants).

Off Island:

  1. The coordinators should contact each of the 4th of July Volunteer Group members to decide on the events. A list of table needs and other supplies needed from the island should be created and forwards to the Chairs. The Chairs meet with the Star staff to go over all of the week’s activities and needs.

On Island: 

  • Create a diagram/map for the event set-up to give to Conference Services at least one day before the festivities.
  • Coordinate volunteers for each of the activities (Sr. Teens and parents can be helpful with the table activities.
  • Check-in with Conference Services on the day of the festivities to ensure that set-up and supplies are all set.
  • At 1:25 pm begin the Fourth of July Festivity Fun!

Follow Up Responsibilities: Have participants clean up any debris left on the field/front lawn.

Conference Services will take care of the tables.

Total Cost: Please contact the All-Star I Treasurer to find out your budget.

Materials: Event supplies and prizes (if desired).

 Comments: This event can have between 100-150 participants.

Past Volunteers/Participants: Randy Witwick and Juliana Czum, Jeff and Liz Hendrick, Chris Bernd, John and Cheryl Doty     Updated 2018


Marshmallow Roast

Activity: This is an all generation event that occurs early in the week (usually Saturday night at about 7:45) out on the rocks near the Summer House or down on the rocks in front of Founders (depending on the wind!)  After Dinner on the designated evening, shoalers (young and old) gather to roast marshmallows and to sing together.

Responsibilities:  The coordinator attends the event, helps to pass out roasting materials, and asks a shoaler to play the guitar at the event. Coordinators should decide on whether to have only marshmallows for the roast, or to bring materials for s’mores to the island.  Marshmallows and roasting stix can be ordered through the island.  It is less expensive to bring out the Hershey Bars and the graham crackers.

Off Island:

  • Purchase S’more supplies (if desired).
  • Contact one or two guitarists to play at the event.

On Island: 

  • Check in with Conference Services Saturday evening before dinner to ensure that campfire will be set up and needed supplies will be brought to the event site.
  • Remind the musicians when/what time the roast will begin
  • Arrive at the Marshmallow Roast site a bit early to see that supplies have arrived.
  • Help pass out roasting supplies!

Follow Up Responsibilities: Make sure that all trash is picked up and that the island’s sticks are put back in the container in which they arrive.

Total Cost: Cost of Hershey Bars, Graham Crackers, Marshmallows (if you bring them to the island).

Materials: Marshmallows, Graham Crackers, Hershey Bars, Roasting Sticks, Campfire

Past Volunteers:  The Colbys, Julie and Gene Garcia, Annie and Scott Stewart, Hope Thurlow, Randy and Plasha Will

Updated 2018


Great People Hunt

Activity:  This is an event for children that usually occurs on Wednesday evening after dinner.  The Sr. Teens and a few adults, each hide somewhere within the child safety boundaries.  After the given hiding time, the porch bell is rung, and then all of the younger children to on a hunt to find and capture the great people!

Responsibilities: The Senior Teen leaders and historically, Tom Walton (the creator of the event!) are responsible for discussing the event with the Senior Teens, and going over all of the details with them.  One of the volunteers will also need to ring the porch bell at the designated intervals during the hunt.

Off Island:

  • None

On Island: 

  • Sr. Teen leaders and Tom Walton discuss the event with the Sr. Teens.
  • The Sr. Teen leaders should let the Chairs know which lunch the Sr. Teens will be running through the Dining Room to announce and elicit enthusiasm for the event. The Chairs will add the information to the “Voice of Star’s” information sheet.
  • On the night of the Hunt, all children gather on the front steps and Tom Walton or a designated adult, goes over the rules for the event with the children.
  • The Sr. Teens are given five or so minutes to hide, the bell porch is rung, and all of the younger children are set free to look for them. (It is helpful if Jr. Teens are paired up with the youngest children to support them in their search).
  • Once a Sr. Teen is captured, they are paraded down to the Well House (which acts as the jail) by the delighted youngster who has caught them.
  • Once all of the Sr. Teens have been captured their punishment is to go down to the swimming area and jump into the frigid water!

Follow Up Responsibilities: Remind Sr. Teens to be respectful/quiet when going to the showers.

Total Cost: None

Materials:  Sr. Teens usually bring dark clothes to wear for the event.

Past Volunteers:  Tom and Deb Walton, Dave and Suzanne Cook, Chris and Sue Bernd

Updated 2018


Kids Movies

Activity: During the adult Social Hour each evening, Saturday through Friday, movies/dvd’s are shown in Parker for the younger children.  Generally, it is the Puffins and Terns who attend the movies, but mature Starlings have also previously participated.  The expectation is that the coordinator and the children who attend the movies will stay at Parker for the length of the film. The movie time is sixty minutes each night.

Responsibilities:  The organizers are responsible for bringing seven nights’ worth of movies, and coordinating any other adult volunteers to cover the time in Parker.

Off Island:

  • Decide upon and bring enough movies/dvd’s for seven nights.

On Island: 

  • The coordinators should check-in with Conference Services upon arrival on Saturday to ensure that the movie player will be set-up in Parker by 5:30.
  • The coordinator should arrive up in Parker by 5:20 each night to make sure everything has been set up.
  • Begin movies at 5:30 and finish by 6:20-6:25 so children can regroup with their parents before dinner.
  • Snacks for the children will be delivered to Parker each evening.

Follow Up Responsibilities:  Ask children to throw away any cups, left overs, and trash.

Total Cost: None

Materials: Movies and Cartoons for seven nights.

Past Volunteers:  Paul and Lexi Dowd, Travis Hunnicutt, Sasha Best     Updated 2018


Snacks for Movies and Kiddy Barn Childcare

Activity:  During the children’s movie time and for children playing at the Kiddy Barn, light snacks are provided for those children who would like them. The snacks should be considered as a light pre-dinner shack, and should not act as a meal for a child.

Responsibilities:  The coordinator is responsible for bringing crackers, popcorn, pretzels, veggies etc. out to the island with them (reimbursement from the conference can occur, if desired).  If the coordinator brings the snacks, cups and juice can be pre-ordered through the island.

Off Island:

  • Let Conference Chairs know if you would like juice to be purchases through the island.
  • Purchase snacks to bring to the island for seven nights. (25-35 children)

On Island: 

  • Check in with Conference Services to ensure that juice and cups will be delivered to both the Kiddy Barn and Parker and request serving bowls as necessary.
  • Deliver each evening’s snacks to the proper location and give to the adults supervising the activity.

Follow Up Responsibilities:

  • Give food receipts/amount that you spent to the All-Star I Treasurer for re-imbursement if desired.

Total Cost: 

Materials: Snacks for the children at the Kiddy Barn and Movies in Parker for 7 nights.


Past Volunteers:  Sasha Best, Laura Robbins, Deb Walton     Updated 2018




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