Communication – Communications 2018
Bell Ringers
Boat News
Name Cards for Rooms
Name Tags
Roll Call of States and Years
Town Meeting
Voice of Star
Wake-Up Singers
Bell Ringers
Activity: Ring bell on porch to alert conference of upcoming activities.
Off Island:
- None
On Island:
- From the Conference Chair, obtain the schedule and time of events for your given bell ringing day or shift.
- Be certain that bell is rung for each scheduled event. Be prepared to delay the bell when programs run late. If unable to be present, recruit someone to fill in. Very important that meal-time bells be cued by the hostess.
Follow Up Responsibilities: None
Total Cost: None
Materials: Porch Bell/Conference Schedule of Events
Past Volunteers: Joe Marino, Roger Trudeau, Andy Bristol, Phil Quattrochi, Derrick Nelson
Updated 2018
Activity: Write activities for current day on chalkboard in Hotel Lobby from Sunday through Saturday in attractive, easy-to-read format.
Responsibilities: Obtain list of Activities from Chairs and write them on board.
Off Island:
- Purchase and bring multi-colored chalk.
On Island:
- From Conference Chair, obtain list of activities for the coming day, with time and place, and name
of the event leader. The Saturday Board will be done by the chairs,
- Write Sunday’s events on the board (Daily event writing takes 30-45 mins per day).
- Subsequent day’s entry on the board can be written on the back of the current days. Current day’s activities face the lobby; the next day’s activities face the lobby store wall. Turn board around late in the evening so that the next day’s activities face the lobby. (Or assume someone else will turn it.) Helpful to have names of Chapel and Talks on Rocks speakers.
- Check board a couple of times during each day to make sure that pieces have not been erased, scribbled on, or made illegible.
- Set up a second chalk board to be used for daily announcements. It should be erased each eve.
Follow Up Responsibilities: None
Total Cost: Cost of chalk
Materials: Schedule of events, chalk, chalkboard
Past Volunteers: Sally Easter, David and Suzanne Cooke, David Epstein, Cyndi and Steve Parr, Dale Stewart and Keith Knox
Updated 2018
Boat News
Activity: A newsletter full of Conferee tidbits and scheduled activity information passed out on the boat and read during the trip to the island on Saturday.
Responsibilities: To gather information, set up the format and graphics, edit, print and copy the newsletter, and to hand it out on the boat.
Off Island:
- Create a “blurb” for people to send their Boat News items to you which the Chairs will add to the Porch News (conferees should receive this from the Chairs in early June).
- Once you receive e-mails with information, you may need to clarify the items with the sender.
- Edit all of your information and create your layout and design for the document.
- Print out the document (at least 200-225 copies are needed)
- Hand out the Boat News on the boat as the conference is traveling out to the island.
On Island:
- Put any leftover copies on the Front Desk in the Lobby.
Follow Up Responsibilities: None
Total Cost: Please give receipts for any expenses to the Conference Treasurer for reimbursement.
Materials: Paper, news items, computer
Past Volunteers: Karen Mills, Laurie Powsner
Updated 2018
Conference Evaluations
Activity: To create, hand-out, and retrieve from the All-Star I Conferees a conference evaluation form. The incoming Chairs are now responsible for this activity.
Responsibilities: Have an announcement made during lunch on the day that the evaluation form has been made available on the Front Desk. Have a basket next to the copies for completed forms.
Make sure to pick up all completed forms before leaving the island on Saturday morning. After reviewing the evaluations, please mail to the present Chairs for review.
Off Island:
- Create the evaluation form based on previous years and make copies to bring to the island. One form per adult in the conference is suggested.
- Provide separate tear-off section on bottom to enter
– Name, Address
– What volunteer job the person is willing to do the next year
– Suggestions for topics and/or speakers for next year
- Bring basket for the Lobby Desk for the completed forms.
On Island:
- On Wednesday or Thursday have announcement made at lunch that the Evaluation forms are available at the front desk for completion.
- Put basket next to the pile of evaluation forms.
- If the return rate is slow, you might walk around and hand forms to individuals as they sit on the front porch.
Follow Up Responsibilities:
- Bring evaluation forms home and go through all of the information to help with the planning for the next year. After finishing, please forward the forms to one of the week’s Chairs.
Total Cost: If you wish reimbursement for printing costs, please give receipt to the conference Treasurer.
Materials: Created Evaluation forms/Basket for collecting forms
Past Volunteers: Previous Conference Chairs
Updated 2018
Name Cards for Room Doors
Activity: Create door tags for each conferee door to identify who is assigned to the room.
Responsibilities: To create the door tags before arriving on the island, and then placing the tags on the doors Saturday afternoon after arrival.
Off Island:
- Obtain Conference List and housing assignments from Conference Registrar and Housing Coordinator.
- Purchase precut shapes/stars for the doors, or create your own design/shape for the tags.
- Create all door tags.
- Contact Conference Chairs about assigning 3-4 helpers to hang door tags on Saturday afternoon.
- Buy rolls of the blue painter’s masking tape to hang the tags.
- The cards should contain the first name and age of each child, with the parent’s full name(s) for those under age 18.
- Make several cardboard backed signs stating “BABY SLEEPING!!” or “CHILD SLEEPING”, and add a ribbon or string so these can be hung on door knobs. The signs can be stored near the baby sitters chair on the 2nd floor.
- Plan on bringing some extra door cards to the island for last minute rooming changes.
On Island:
- Either on the boat to Star Island, or after arrival on Saturday afternoon, meet with the door tag helpers and give them their supply of tags to hang.
- Have helpers return any tags to you that they have questions about.
Follow Up Responsibilities: None
Total Cost: Please give any receipts that you would like reimbursement for to the Conference Treasurer.
Materials: Sharpie Pens, Door Tags, Blue Masking Tape
Past Volunteers: Jodi Prochaska, Elizabeth Corsa, Elissa Best, Jill Loewer
Updated 2018
Activity: To create name tags for each of the conferees to wear during the week.
Responsibilities: Obtain/Purchase plastic name tag holders and make a name card for each of the conferees attending the conference. The completed name tags will be handed out at the dock before boarding the boat on Saturday afternoon.
Off Island:
- Purchase and/or have past year’s name tags mailed to you from the Chairs of the conference.
- Obtain conference name list from Conference Registrar.
- Decide on design for the name tags. Create designation for adults that are 21 years and older and place it on those shoaler’s name tags.
- Create different designation to put on new shoaler’s name tags so old shoalers can easily recognize and welcome them to the conference.
- Bring some extra empty name tags to the island for last minute changes/additions.
On Island:
- Place nametags that have not been collected yet on the side of the Lobby Desk. Shoalers who might be arriving on another day will be able to locate theirs when they arrive.
- Leave some of the empty name tags in that location as well for last minute changes/additions.
- On Friday, place an empty box for Conferees to leave/recycle their name tag holders. The incoming Chairs will retrieve the box on Saturday morning.
Follow Up Responsibilities: None
Total Cost: Please give any receipts to the Conference Treasurer for re-imbursement.
Materials: Name tag holders
Past Volunteers: Sam Skrovan, Shelley Powsner, Caroline Stewart, Dave and Suzanne Cook, Laurie Powsner. Anne Lennox
Updated 2018
Roll Call of States and Years, and Past Pelicans
Activity: At two of the lunches during the week, ask conferees to stand when their state of residence is called, and when the number of years that they have attended Star Island is called. Conferees who have been Pelicans will also be asked to stand on one of the days
To call out the states and ask people to stand.
To call out the years and ask people to stand.
To recognize conferees who have been Pelicans.
Off Island:
- Review the conference address list that is included with the Porch News to create the list of states to be announced.
On Island:
- Touch base with the Chairs to determine which two lunches will be designated for the roll calls.
- For the roll call of years attending Star Island, it is customary to begin with “New Shoalers, first year” then proceed up to ten years one year at a time. After ten years, announce in five year increments for conferees to stand: 11-15 years, 16-20 years, 21-25 years, 26-30 years etc. Be sure to find out ahead of time which conferee has attended Star Island the longest, so that person can be recognized. All-Star I has members who have been attending for over 50 years.
Follow Up Responsibilities: None
Total Cost: None
Materials: Conference address list
Past Volunteers: Steve Skrovan, Stan Corfman
Updated 2018
Town Meeting
Activity: A conferee meeting where information from the Executive Committee or other All-Star I committees is shared and discussed.
Responsibilities: The moderator of the Town Meeting is selected by the Executive Committee on the years that this meeting occurs.
Off Island:
- Work with the Executive Committee to create agenda for the meeting.
- Create Advertisement for the meeting in the Boat News and encourage submissions of agenda items from the conferees.
- Coordinate with the Chairs when the meeting will occur, and make sure that it is placed on the weekly schedule of events.
On Island:
- Moderate the Town Meeting at the designated time. Having another facilitator can be very helpful
during the meeting,
Follow Up Responsibilities:
Share gathered comments, suggestions and information from meeting attendees with the Executive Committee.
Total Cost: None
Materials: Possible easel chart for documenting ideas/suggestions.
Past Volunteers: Jim and Jan Prochaska, Tom Coleman
Updated 2018
Voice of All-Star I
Activity: To give essential announcements in the dining room at lunch time.
Responsibilities: To present the created list of announcements at the beginning of the meal time in a concise and entertaining manner.
Off Island:
- None
On Island:
- Meet with the designated Conference Chair to go over the created list of announcements at least 15-30 min. before meal time.
- Encourage conferees to submit announcements in written form. Items can be posted on the second blackboard in the lobby instead of being announced in the dining room if they are not urgent.
Follow Up Responsibilities: None
Total Cost: None
Materials: Microphone/P.A. System in Dining Room
Past Volunteers: Kemp Harris and friends, Adam Osgood, Steve Skrovan, Ann Etter
Updated 2018
Wake Up Chorus
Activity: To go to sleeping areas as a group, and sing a wake up song, recite a poem, give the time, weather, temperature, and the breakfast menu.
Responsibilities: To plan, organize, and lead wake-up singers
On Island:
- Obtain wake-up song books “Star Wake” from front desk in Lobby or get up with the sun and creatively write new ones
- Recruit people to participate in wake-up chorus: 7 people, more or less, is optimal base number to work with.
- Take piece of 8 1/2 x 11? paper; transcribe song and write down weather forecast, temperature, and breakfast menu
- Meet at 7:10 in Pink Parlor, Lobby, or Porch, pass out songbooks, give day’s selection, and practice
- At 7:15, go to third floor of Oceanic and start route.
- At each location present the chosen song or poem, chorus discourse of time, temperature, forecast, and breakfast menu.
- The route: Oceanic 3rd , 2nd, Atlantic House 2nd, Gosport West, Gosport 3rd West, Gosport North, cottages in the following order: A, B, E, C, D, Founders, Sprague, YPRU, Baker and Parsonage. May finish up in Lobby again and/or Front Porch.
- On Saturday morning, should sing 30 mins before breakfast.
Follow up Responsibilities: Return songbooks to front desk
People Needed: One to lead, one as strong second—recommended NOT to try this alone (2004).
Materials: Pitch pipe (bring from home); marking pen and sheets of 8 1/2 x 11? paper (available at front desk) to give daily details.
Total Cost: None
Past Volunteers: Jen Cook, Louise Williams, Katie Biron, April Castoldi
Updated 2018