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Bird Walk

Book discussion Group

Geology Walk

History Walk

Botany/Low Tide Walk-Marine Lab Staff

Talks on the Rocks

Music on the Porch (Ukelele/Guitar)


Bird Walk

Activity:  The coordinator of this activity is knowledgeable about Star Island birds, is responsible for participating in this walk around the island to look at the different species, and is willing to share interesting fun bird facts. Usually, the Island Naturalist is involved in the walk, and this can be set up through the Conference Chairs and the island ahead of time.  In the past, the Bird Walk has been scheduled early in morning before breakfast, and has had up to twenty participants.


Off Island:

  • Brush up on your knowledge of Atlantic coastal bird species.

On Island: 

  • Check-in with the Island Naturalist and confirm day and time of the scheduled Bird Walk.
  • Go on the Bird Walk.

Follow Up Responsibilities: None

Total Cost:  None

Materials:  Possible bird books to share with participants.

Past Volunteers: Connie Lentz                         Updated 2018


Book Discussion Group

Activity:  The Book Discussion group gathers on specified afternoons during the week to discuss two previously selected books by the activity coordinators. The coordinators e-mail Shoalers of the selected titles well before the conference so pre-reading can occur.  This group has previously met in the Pink Parlor or one of the smaller meeting rooms (Sandpiper room) in the later afternoon before Social Hour.


Off Island:

  • The coordinators should select the books that will be used for the discussion groups in early winter and can let the Conference Registrar know so this information can be added to the January e-mail blast for conference registration. Also, send information to the website coordinator so it can be posted there.
  • Check-in with the Conference Chairs to share the Discussion Group meeting schedule on island (so this information is added to the conference schedule), and so the Chairs can let the Island Shops staff know to order copies of the Discussion Group book titles.
  • Develop discussion questions to use during your meetings.

On Island: 

  • Check the Lobby blackboard to make sure that Book Discussion Group is documented on the given days.
  • Coordinate with your partner who will lead each session.
  • Meet with your group and discuss the book selections.

Follow Up Responsibilities: None

Total Cost:  Cost of selected books

Materials:   Selected books  

Past Volunteers: Elizabeth Yermack, Bill Tibbs                Updated 2018


Geology Walk

Activity:  The Geology Walk is a walking tour for shoalers around the island that is led by the coordinator or the Island Naturalist. The person in charge should be knowledgeable about the different types of ROCKS on Star Island.  This walk tends to be scheduled during the time between the end of Morning Lecture and Lunch on one of the week-day mornings. Once the Chairs of the conference establish the schedule for the week.  The coordinator will be informed of the day and time.  Generally, the group size for the walk is 15-20 people.


Off Island:

  • Brush up on your knowledge about the Geology of Star Island.
  • Contact the Conference Chairs to see whether you will be leading the Geology Walk or whether

the Island Naturalist will be leading the walk with you as a support person.

On Island: 

  • Check-in with the Island Naturalist (if this person is involved) to confirm the day and time of the walk, including the location of where the walk will begin.
  • Confirm with the Chairs that this information will be put on the blackboard on the day of

the event.


  1. On the day of the walk, meet the participants at the designated time and location.


  1. Participate in the Geology Walk as either the guide or as the supportive guide.


Follow Up Responsibilities: None


Total Cost:  None


Materials:  None

Past Volunteers:  Ned Tillman, George Robbins                      Updated 2018


History Walk

Activity:  The Vaughn Cottage curator conducts this history walk with interested shoalers (usually on one of the week-day afternoons).  The coordinator of this event should go along on the walk, should trouble shoot as needed, and is responsible for making sure that there is a sign-up sheet for the activity put on the Writer’s Desk in the corner of the lobby. Once the Chairs of the conference establish the schedule for the week.  The coordinator will be informed of the day and time, and it will be posted on the blackboard schedule.


Off Island:

  • None

On Island: 

  • Confirm day and time of the History Walk with the Conference Chair.
  • Go on the walk and support participants if needed.

Follow Up Responsibilities: None

Total Cost:  None

Past Volunteers:  Jen Cook, Sarah Mills                                  Updated 2018


Botany/Low-Tide Walk

Activity:  This walk is given by the Marine Lab personnel (usually on one of the mornings of the week in the time between Morning Lecture and Lunch).  A sign-up sheet for the walk will be placed on the Writer’s Desk in the Lobby (this has previously been done by the Island Staff) for interested shoalers.  Once the Chairs of the conference establish the schedule for the week, the day and time will be included on the blackboard schedule.


Off Island:

  • None

On Island: 

  • Make sure that the Low Tide Walk sign-up sheet has been put on the Writer’s Desk in the Lobby, and add your name to the list.  (The island staff posts the sign-up sheet).
  • Check-in with the Conference Chair regarding the Walk being on the Conference schedule and on the Lobby blackboard.
  • Meet at the designated Low Tide Walk location and time and go on the walk (supporting and sharing information with participants).

Follow Up Responsibilities: None

Total Cost:  None

Materials:  None

Past Volunteers: Island Naturalist, Bart Bouricious                        Updated 2018

  Ukeleles and Musicians on the Porch

Activity:  Music on the Porch is a small, informal gathering of shoalers at either end of the front porch, who enjoying playing the instruments that they have brought out to the island.  The group may play planned pieces brought out by the coordinator, might just “jam” together, or might include a singing component to their music to draw in other shoalers. Generally, this activity happens on a daily basis in either the before Lunch time slot, or in a later afternoon time slot, and is included on the daily blackboard schedule.  The coordinator of this event is generally a MUSIC person, who can play an instrument, and can direct small groups of players (who may be very musically inclined, or not so musically inclined!).


Off Island:

  • Think about what music you would like the group to work with, and make copies of sheet music if desired.
  • Let the Chairs know if you would like a “blurb” about Shoalers bringing instruments to the island placed in the “Boat News”.
  • Decide how many days you would like to have this activity, and contact the chairs to discuss times and activity location.

On Island: 

  • Check Lobby blackboard each day for the scheduled activity/place.
  • Meet musicians at the designated time and location and make music!

Follow Up Responsibilities: None

Total Cost:  Copies of sheet music if desired.  If you would like reimbursement, contact the All-Star I Treasurer on island regarding the amount.

Materials:  Sheet music if desired

Past Volunteers:  Katy Biron, Bill Tibbs, Carl Sturken, Tommy Yermack      Updated 2018


Talks on the Rocks

Activity:  Talks on the Rocks is a planned activity for adults that usually occurs during the afternoons when children are participating in Children’s Program. This activity could occur every afternoon from Sunday through Friday if the coordinator wishes to schedule six speakers/presenters. Generally, this event takes place on the Chapel rocks (weather permitting) and is a time for connecting and sharing with other adults.


Off Island:

  • The coordinator of this activity is responsible for coordinating at least four (and up to six) different shoalers in the conference regarding doing a 60-70 minute small group information presentation or doing a discussion with a group of shoalers on a selected topic.
  • Once the speakers have been contacted and have agreed to present, the coordinator should develop a schedule with each presenter’s/leader’s topic and the afternoon of their presentation. Let each presenter know which day he/she will present.  This information should be e-mailed to the designated Conference Chair so it can be added to the conference schedule of events.  Each presenter/presentation will be posted on the Lobby blackboard daily.

On Island: 

  • Check-in with your presenters on presentation day to ensure everything is ready to go.
  • Check Lobby blackboard to make sure that the event is documented accurately.
  • Check-in at the location at start time on each of the scheduled afternoons to ensure all is well.

Follow Up Responsibilities: Make sure to thank each of the presenters after his/her “Talk”.

Total Cost: None

Materials:  None

Past Volunteers:  Eric Yermack, Scotty and Annie Stewart                      Updated 2018


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