Banquet Night


Printable Copy – Banquet night

Banquet Night

Banquet Planning

Table Decorations

Friday Night Farewell Party

Banquet Planning

Activity:  The Banquet is held Friday evening and is the final dinner together of the week.

Responsibilities: To make sure that the banquet runs smoothly and to select individuals to run various aspects of the banquet.

Off Island:

1. Review attached Banquet Programs and make/develop a tentative program for the Banquet

2. Choose and contact a Mistress/Master of Ceremonies and a Song Leader for the event.

3. If you are choosing songs to be sung at the Banquet that are not in the Island Song Book, make copies of the song sheets to bring to the island.  People can share (about 150 copies needed).

4. Contact Chairs regarding the names of the: Conference minister, Grand March coordinators, and the Music Director to include their names in the program.

On Island:

1. Confirm with the Conference Minister regarding doing the Invocation after the Mistress/Master of Ceremonies has made the Opening Remarks/Welcome.

2.  Coordinate with the Island Music Director regarding playing the piano, and the selection of songs to be sung by the conference from the Star Island Song Book.

3.  Make Banquet table sign-up sheets so that people wishing to sit together can sign up for the same table. Count the number of tables in the dining room and alcove area.  These tables seat 10 each.  Be sure to include the Snack Bar Tables and count seats for each table (these are less than 10).                The sign up-sheets should be put on the writing desk in the lobby by Wednesday morning and an announcement should be made to let people know of its existence.

4.  Finalize the Banquet program (please see example below for program sequence) and make copies of the program in the Business Office on island. People can share (about 150 copies needed).  On Friday afternoon, place the Banquet programs on each of the tables (about 5 on each table).

5.  Give copies of program to Chairs, music director, host(ess), conference minister, and master/mistress of ceremonies, and to other speaking participants.

Current Banquet protocol is that the previous year’s Chairs do the thank you for the current year’s Chairs, the current year’s Chairs re-introduce the next year’s Chairs, and the next year’s Chairs introduce the newly chosen following year’s chairs!

6.  Meet with host(ess) mostly to give a copy of the program but quickly run through the Banquet Activities in dining hall.

7.  Obtain blue song books from front desk and put 3 or 4 on each table.

Follow Up Responsibilities: None

Total Cost:  Cost of printing programs (can be put on conference bill, or receipts from off island can be given to the Treasurer for reimbursement

Materials:  Photocopies of program, and possible copies of music

Past Volunteers: Deb Weiner-Soule and Ben Soule, Barb and Bill Peterson, Tom and Patricia Coleman, Betsy and Joel Fredericks, Adam and Laura Osgood

Updated 2018

Example of past Banquet Program:


Welcome                                                         (Mistress/Master of Ceremonies)

Invocation                                                       (Conference Minister)

Clap in Waitrae                                               (Mistress/Master of Ceremonies)

Song:                                                               (Song Leader)


Clap out the Cooks, Kitchies, Bakers, Dishwashers, Butter Cutters, and Waitrae    (Mistress/Master of Ceremonies)

Thanks to Current Chairs                                                        (Done by previous year’s chairs)

Thanks to the Speaker and Volunteer Staff                          (Done by current chairs)

Thanks to the Children’s Staff                                      (Done by the Children’s Program Coordinator)

Re-Introduction of the Next Year’s Chairs                               (Done by the current chairs)

Introduction of the 2 Year’s Ahead Chairs                             (Done by the incoming chairs)

Farewell and Song:                                                                 (Mistress/Master of Ceremonies/Song Leader)


In____minutes we will meet on the front lawn for the GRAND MARCH led by ____________


Banquet Table Decorations

Activity:  Table decorations are created by the conferees to place on each of the dining room tables for the Friday night banquet.  Usually, the people who have reserved seats at a specific table make the table decoration for that table.  Sign-up sheets for the table reservations are placed on the Writer’s Desk in the Lobby on Wednesday.  The table decoration sign-up sheet is put next to the reservation sheets on Wednesday.

Responsibilities: The person (people) responsible for this volunteer job creates the Table Decoration Sign-Up sheet with all of the table numbers in the dining room, alcove, and snack bar area.  This sheet is put on the Writer’s Desk in the lobby on Wednesday of the week.  The coordinators create fun and thoughtful Table Decoration Certificates such as:  Best Island Theme, Best use of Island Materials, Most Creative, Most Colorful etc. and leaves this award/certificate on each of the tables before Social Hour on Banquet night.  Table decorations can be put on each of the tables after the waitrae have cleaned up and have set up for dinner on Friday afternoon.

Off Island:

1.  Contact the other Table Decoration Volunteers and coordinate and divide up responsibilities.

2.  Design, create and plan to bring the Table Decoration Certificates (Bring 36 just to be safe!)

3.  Create a Table Decoration Sign-Up list to be filled in by participants on the island.

Make sign-up lines for at least 34 tables.  Fill in the Table Numbers on island when you see the lay out of the Dining Room.

On Island:

1.  Gather with the other Table Decoration Volunteers and create your certificate categories.

2.  Fill out categories on the certificates.

3.  On Wednesday of the week, place Table Decoration sign-up list on the Writing Desk in the Lobby.

4.  On Friday afternoon, between 4:30 and 5:00 “judge” the table decorations on each dining room table and leave a certificate for the person who created it.

Follow Up Responsibilities:   None

Total Cost:  Cost of the Certificates (Please let the Conference Treasurer know the amount you Need for reimbursement).

Materials:  Certificates for each of the “Table Winners”.

Past Volunteers:  Jill Loewer, Carol, Holly, Chelsea Belcastro, Sherri Bossong

Updated 2018


Friday Night Farewell Party

Activity:  After the incoming Chairs have completed evening Chapel on Friday Night, a Farewell Party is held up in Newton Centre for the Adults of the conference.  Conferees will bring leftover snacks that they have brought to the island to donate to the party, and the Social Hour food person will let you know what food will be left over from Social Hour for the party as well.  The Social Hour Beverages people will have ordered Beer for you, and leftover Wine will be made available.

Responsibilities:   To plan for, to coordinate, to purchase some supplies, and to set-up for the party.

Off Island:

1. Purchase some non-alcoholic beverages, mixers, lemons and limes to bring out to the island.

(There may be some leftover non-alcoholic beverages from Social Hour that will be donated).

2.  Purchase beverage/drink cups (paper if possible) for the party.

3.  If desired, purchase tablecloths and napkins (one long table in the back room and one long table in the front room.

On Island:

1.  On about Tuesday check in with the Food and Beverage people at Social Hour regarding what leftovers may be left for the party.  If need be, let Conference Services know of any additional items that you will need by Wednesday night.

2.   Speak with Conference Services and make sure that there will be ice available for the party.

3.   After the Grand March, at about 9:00, begin setting up in Newton Centre for the party.

4.   People will begin to arrive for the party after Chapel has ended.

Follow Up Responsibilities:   The last people at the party are asked to straighten things up, and to remove or pour out any remaining alcohol.

Total Cost:  Please contact the Conference Treasurer regarding re-imbursement for items purchased.

Materials:  Cups, non-alcoholic beverages, lemons, limes, possibly some food items, napkins, and tablecloths.

Past Volunteers:  Gabby Trudeau, Jenny Easter Nelson, Joel and Betsy Fredericks, Bob and Leanne Frye

Updated 2018



Activity: The banquet is held Friday evening and is the culmination of conference activities.

Responsibilities: To make sure that the banquet runs smoothly and to select individuals to run various aspects of the banquet.

Specific Activities:

At Home:

1. Obtain copies of past banquet programs from Chairs and make decisions about any changes.

2. Recruit the following: Master of Ceremonies, old shoaler to give reflections, someone to lead roll call of former chairs, someone to thank chairs, and someone to lead the singing. It is nice to ask the preceding year?s Chairs to thank the current year?s Chairs for their efforts. They have the best recollection of the effort that it required. When choosing the person to be in charge of the roll call of former chirs tell her/him that Dorothy Lightfoot has the list, or get names from Conference list.

3. Contact Chairs to ascertain who will function as: conference minister, tournament organizers, table decorations organizers, children?s grand march coordinators, the leaders of the grand march, and the music director. Include their names in the program. Be certain that the Chairs have informed the speaker of her/his role in giving reflections at the banquet.

4. Type the program and choose the songs. Songs not in the blue Star Ssland song book should be copied on the back of the program or a separate sheet. Make 150-175 copies of the program.

5. Contact all participants ahead of time to be certain that they know that they are participating.

On the island:

6. Give copies of program to Chairs, music director, host(ess), conference minister, and master/mistress of ceremonies.

7. Meet with the music director and arrange for her/him to play the piano for the songs.

8. Meet with host(ess) mostly to give a copy of the program but quickly run through banquet activities in dining hall.

9. Arrange with head of Housekeeping to ?clap out? the chamberpeople.

10. Meet with conference services to take care of the needed equipment such as the microphone and to hear their advice on banquet protocol.

11. In recent years the Chairs have preferred not to have a head table. But if they do, be certain that individuals to be seated at the table are notified. The Chairs will decide who will be at the head table. The table decoration coordinator should know which will be the head table.

12. Make table sign up sheet so that people wishing to sit together can sign up for the same table. Count the number of tables and be sure to exclude the staff table (usually #23 – check with the host(ess) which one. Tables seat 10 and there will probably be 26 or 27 of them. The sign up-sheet should be put on the writing desk in the lobby by Wednesday morning and an announcement should be made to let people know of its existence.

13. If you are doing it, choose a new shoaler for the reflections segment of the banquet. Contact this person and notify the master/mistress of ceremonies. This should be done as early in the week as possible so that the new shoaler has time to think about the presentation.

14. Give a copy of agenda to all participants early in the week.

On the afternoon of the banquet:

15. Put five programs on each table.

16. Obtain blue song books from front desk and put 3 or 4 on each table.

17. Make contact with participants in the banquet program to be certain that they are ready for their part and answer any questions. Be certain that the master/mistress of ceremonies or other official knows that an “S T A R” cheer may be appropriate for the speaker, current Chairs, children’s staff, and the new Chairs.

18. During the break as the program moves from the dining room to Elliot Hall (should be about 20 minutes) take the remaining programs and song books (generally the last song comes from there) and put them on the chairs in Elliot.

19. Provide a flashlight for the song leader since it is hard to read the words from the area where the microphone is stationed.

Follow up Responsibilities: None

People Needed:Chosen by banquet coordinators – Master/Mistress ofCeremonies, song leader, new shoaler for reflections, old shoaler for reflections; someone to read roll call of former Chairs;someone to thank current Chairs.

Chosen by Chairs – Conference minister, tournament organizers, table decoration organizers, speaker, organizers of children’s grand march, organizers of grand march.

Materials Required: Photocopies of program and extra music.

Total Cost: $37 for photocopies.


1) Roll call for the states and years has been done during banquet in years past, but at least in 1994 it was done during lunch and in 1997 it was done at Monday dinner. This gave more time during the banquet and highlighted the states-years roll call.

2) It is recommended that speakers at the banquet a time limit so that it doesn’t carry on too long.

1998 – Roll call by 1st yr attended (rather than #yrs attended); listing (rather than orally citing) past chairs.

1999 – One song (?Gosport Harbor?) from Shoals Songbook, another well-known song in keeping with theme & spirit of conference (?Teach Your Children Well?), another song was a solo. For past chairs acknowledgement, pulled names from Conference list.

2003 – Luau was held and was very popular. Ceremonies were shortened and the chairs for 2005 were announced in the banquet hall, rather than having a separate meeting in Eliot. This freed people to pack, visit with their friends, watch a last sunset, and just hang out. New & Old shoaler speeches were also eliminated.

Past Participants: 1994 Coordinators – Kim & Stan Corfman; Master of Ceremonies – Steve Skrovan; Tournament Coordinators – Lois & Pete Williams; Table Decorations Coordinator – ; Song leader – Kemp Harris; New Shoaler – ; Old Shoaler – Henry Powsner; Roll Call of Former Chairs – Sherry Walworth; Thanks to Chairs – Carla & David Osgood. 1995 Coordinators – Debbie & Ben Soule. 1996 Coordinators – Ned & Kathy Tillman. 1997 Coordinators – John & Estelle Best. 1998 – Paula&Larry Phillips (ASI Chairs). 1999 – Pam&Phil Pierce. 2002 – Theo Griffin. 2003 – Connie Lentz & Bart Bouricius. 2005- Betsy & Joel Fredericks Upd. 7/03

Examples of two programs follow; each different.

ALL STAR I BANQUET Friday July 8, 1994

Welcome Steve Skrovan

Invocation Charlie Close

Clap in Waitrae

Song: “Prayer for this House”


Clap out the Cooks, Kitchies, Bakers, Dishwashers, Butter Cutters, and Waitrae

Tournament Awards Lois and Pete Williams

Table Decorations

Song #5: “Gosport Harbor”

Children’s Grand March Brian and Joni Lipton

– Intermission –

(Reconvene in Elliot in 20 minutes)

Reflections of a New Shoaler

Reflections of an Old Shoaler Henry Powsner

Reflections of the Speaker Lee Hellman

Roll Call of the Former Chairs Sherry Walworth

Thanks to the Gimpels Carla and David Osgood

Thanks to the Staff Chris and Bill Gimpel

Introduction of the 1995 Chairs Chris and Bill Gimpel

Song: “Amazing Grace”

Benediction Charlie Close

Grand March Karen and Charlie Close


Special thanks to Kemp Harris for leading the songs.



NB: Our charge from the chairs was to produce a short, tight, somewhat innovative banquet. Our major change was elimination of announcement of tournament winners, which were posted on a board in the lobby, no table decoration awards, and a reader’s theatre piece, called “A tide of reflections,” which combined the words of shoalers with music by Kemp Harris, including what became the conference’s ‘theme’ song (“This Reality”) and which was a real surprise to the chairs and the conference.

Mistress of Revels – Carol Weisman; Invocation and Benediction – Debbie Weiner Soule; Song Leaders, Ben and Debbie Soule; Children’s Grand March Leaders – Debbie and Steve Bishop; Roll Call of Former All Star I Chairs – Bill and Chris Gimpel; Thanks to the Speaker – Anne Lenox and Jim Sersich; Thanks to the Chairs – John and Faye Bennett; Introduction of 1996 Chairs – Anne Lenox and Jim Sersich; Grand March Leaders – Cathy Case and Dick Case.

In Dining Room:

Welcome Carol Weisman

Invocation Debbie Weiner Soule

Clap out the Waitrae

Song: “Oh What a Beautiful Island”


Clap in the Cooks, Bakers, Dishies, Waitrae

Song: “Sunrise at Star Island”

Children’s Grand March Debbie and Steve Bishop

-20 minute intermission-

In Elliot Hall:

Welcome back Carol Weisman

Roll Call of Former All Star I Chairs Chris and Bill Gimpel

Thanks to Andy Hahn (speaker) Anne Lenox and Jim Sersich

Andy’s reflections on the week

“A Tide of Reflections” Jerry Dunklee, David Osgood, Betsy Close

(a reader’s theatre piece)Ali Walton, Kemp Harris

Thanks to the staff Anne Lenox and Jim Sersich

Thanks to Anne and Jim Faye and John Bennett

Introduction of All Star I 1996 Chairs Anne Lenox and Jim Sersich

Song: “Shoaler’s Farewell”

Closing Words Debbie Weiner Soule

Grand March occured at aprox. 9:15 in Lobby

Chapel was at approx. 9:30

Cabaret began about 10:15 PM.


Banquet Table Decorations

Activity: Decorate tables for banquet on Friday evening in the Dining Hall

Responsibilities: Recruit people to decorate tables, assign tables, judge decorations, give out

prizes and certificates

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1. Make certificates for first prize and leave category blank so that it can be filled in at time of

judging. It is good to have about 40 certificates so that all kids that decorate a table get a

certificate and a small prize.

On Island:

2. Recruit one or two people to help

3. Announce event and ask that people sign up at the desk in the lobby. The sign-up should

have 28 tables on it. The first announcement can come on Wednesday.

4. Contact Conference Services and ask them to put vases under sign up table; vases are put

out after lunch on Friday; list of flowers that are ok to cut is in drawer with shears; shears are

stored in left drawer of sign up desk.

5. Buy prizes; tootsie pops or small toys for each child who participates; several of the classes

decorate tables so about 50 or 60 will be necessary

6. Decorating can start after 2:30 and be finished by 5:30 on Friday when judging commences.

7. For tables that no one signed up to decorate, look at the table sign up sheet and ask one of

the families who will be sitting at the table to make a decoration. For those tables that have no

decorations, go ahead and make a flower arrangement and put it on the orphaned table.

8. Judge tables in the competition. Make up ‘clever’ categories for every table to receive an award. All kids, including those in classes, who participate should receive small prizes.

9. Every table gets a certificate.

Follow up Responsibilities: See to it that unclaimed decorations that appear to be of some value are placed on the table in the back of the dinning hall.

People Needed: Two or three. More may be needed to think up clever titles for certificates.

Materials: 40 certificates; 50 or 60 prizes

Total Cost: Prizes $10; certificates $3

Comments: In recent years it has been the kids who have been recognized in the competition.

Children usually come in at the last minute and take care of most of the orphaned tables.

1997 – Gave packages of ‘Junky’ toys to each child in the dining room before dinner.2002 – Be sure to bring toys for children.Be sure that clarify sign-up for table seating & table decoration so that folks can sit at the table they decorate. 2003 – Start on Monday with the sign-up sheet and remind people to do so every day.

2004—Anne Lenox purchased and brought red and white tablecloths which were donated to the island.

Past participants: 1994 – Rita Van Tassel, Cathy Bertasi, Lisa Gresser. 1995 – Marie Sturken, Barbara & Bill Peterson. 1996 – Dottie & Dick Johansson. 1999 – Diane Fellows & Joan Guinink. 2002 – Corny Dunn-Isasi, Jane Trudeau Griffiths, Jean Bouricious. 2003 – Corny Dunn- Isasi 2004—Anne Lenox 2005-Jane Kapuscinski

Updated July 2004


Friday Night Cabaret

Adult Farewell Party

Activity: Set up a cabaret or adult farewell party, Friday evening after the banquet about 10 in Newton

Responsibilities: Set up tables and chairs; arrange for snack and beverages; recruit musicians; enlist clean-up crew. Watch alcohol for those under 21.

Specific Activities:

Off Island

1. Contact committee to see if they have any ideas and delegate responsibilities. Contact past participants for advice. Contact musicians who might play at event. (Could all be done on island)

On Island

3. Early in week, check with Conference Services to be certain that everything is ready for Friday night, and talk to Adult Social Hour folks to see if any leftover food can be shifted to event. If more food needed, order from Conference Services.

4. Order from Conference Services: bowls & plates for food; a few knives & spoons; 3 racks of glasses.

5. Contact committee members to be certain that they know their responsibilities

On Friday

6. Set up tables and decorations in both rooms for event. In 1999, no elaborate decorations.

7. Just before Cabaret, which should start right after Chapel, see to it that the food is in place and help the musicians get set up.

8. Someone should be responsible for the booze table at all times; preferably there should be a bartender or two.

9. Someone should be responsible for replenishing the food.

Follow up Responsibilities:

10. Be certain that the cleanup crew is around to clean up.

People Needed: 4-6 (to get entertainment, buy supplies and decorate, coordinate food & beverage, monitor alcohol at party – important!, coordinate with clean-up crew)

Materials: Materials for decorations, tables (2 long tables +8 card tables in 1999), table cloths

Total Cost: $30-60 (depending on use of decorations)

Comments: It is important to have someone responsible for the booze table so that the teens consume only soft drinks. Non- alcoholic beer is very popular, especially with the junior teens; recommend purchase at least two six packs. Most of the food and beverages are the leftovers from the social hour. Many people bring their own leftovers also.

1997, 1999 – We chose not to have non-alcoholic beer – bad message to kids.

Past participants: 1994 – Bart Bouricius, Phil Pierce. 1995 – Betsy & Joel Fredericks, Barb

& Ray Hallows, Pat Buffington, George & Ginger Dixon. 1996 – Bob and Colleen Ryder. 1997, 1999 – Kathy and Hal DeHaven. 2002, 03, 04 – Betty & Joel Fredericks. 2005-Barb & Bill Peterson. 2006 – Larry & Paula Phillips.

Updated – March 2007


Friday Evening Kids’ Parties

aka: Friday Night Junior Teens’ Party

Friday Night Kids’ Party

Friday Night Party – Puffins (separate description follows)

Friday Night Party – Terns & Gulls (separate description follows)

Activity: Plan and conduct a special Friday Night farewell party for Junior Teens

Description: Jr. Teens have never had a special Friday night activity, going on during the second part of the banquet and the early evening (i.e., 7:45-9:15, before Grand March) which they could call their own. They sometimes have tried to ?crash? the Tern/Gull Ice Cream party; more often they roam. This is an idea designed to offer a more pleasant alternative and a place of their own.



1. Give Chairs advance supply order for party. Likely refreshments woyuld be soda, ice, cups, chips, pretzels, maybe some dip, maybe some M & M’s.

2. Bring or obtain use of a boom box for party, tapes and/or CD’s.


3. Make sure Jr. Teen leaders know of party plans

4. Check with Conference Services to make sure supplies are ordered and will be delivered on time.

5. Get room set up the way you want it (probably Parker).

6.Get refreshments and music set up.Hang out and welcome kids.

7. If things have really clicked, make sure that kids understand that music needs to be down, or off, during Chapel.

Follow up Responsibilities: Clean up after end of party (about 10:00 or 10:30).

People Needed: Two or three

Materials: Games (bubbles, tattoos), refreshments

Total Cost:

Comments: 1996 – Suggest serving ice cream to all ages of kids together before they separate for their group parties. 2003 – Had a Puffin v. Sr. Teen kickball game. Terns and Gulls did some creative problem solving games. Jr. Teens did Twister, music. Because the Eliot meeting wasn’t held this year, it really wasn’t necessary to have this activity. Since parents are available, children can simply play and observe bedtimes as they usually do on other nights. 2005 – We asked Jr. Teens what they wanted early in the week – their suggestions were wholly unreasonable. We planned a “game night” – worked really well. Conference Services helped a lot – provided card tables, games and snacks. 2006 Note: I don’t think the kid party is necessary. It is such a full week. Parents could use the time with their kids to pack up. We don’t need to plan so many activities for these children.

2009 – We didn’t have these parties in 2008 or 2009 but instead ordered an “Ice Cream Social” from conference services and served ice cream and toppings at the bottom of the porch steps after the grand march. You don’t need to assign a volunteer as the chairs simply add it to the food order form. In 2009, we ordered 1 tub for $28, but we ran out too soon. I’d suggest 1 ½ tubs. You need 4 people to serve and we thought we’d try to start a tradition of having the current and future chairs serve. It was easy and fun.

Past participants: 1999 – Connie Lentz & Bart Bouricius. 2002 – R.Case, M.Hill, J.Gresser, 2003 – Annie & Scott Stewart. 2004-Susan & Jeff Zingale-Baird 2005 – Elissa Best & David Epstein. 2006 – Elissa Best. 2009 – Laurie Powsner and Jon Krejci.

Updated – March 2007


Friday Night Party – Puffins

Activity: Plan and conduct a special Friday Night farewell party for Puffins

Description: Final Night party, Friday, 7:30 pm, front porch/lawn.



1. Bring bubbles, tattoos


3. Serve ice cream, give out bubbles, tattoos

4.Watch kids dance to music, play games.

Follow up Responsibilities: Clean up refreshment area.

People Needed: Two or three

Materials: Games (bubbles, tattoos), refreshments

Total Cost: $5.00 (not incl. ice cream)

Comments: 1998 – The kids enjoyed themselves – so did the parents. Works wonderfully if not too structured. Just use your imagination!

1999 – Used cooperative games; skipped tattoos.Suggest using Sr. Teens instead of Jr. Teens for helpers.Having a room instead of porch/lawn would help contain kids.Suggest serve ice cream to all kids before they head for their individual group activities.

Past Participants: 1998 – Carl & Cheryl-Anne Sturken, Sarge Legard, Jr.Teens.1999 – Rachel LeGarde.Upd.Oct99


Friday Night Party – Terns & Gulls

Ice Cream Social

Activity: Plan and conduct a special Friday Night farewell party for Terns & Gulls

When: Friday 8 pm until 9 pm

Where: Brookfield

Responsibilities: Be responsible for an ice cream party and games for Terns & Gulls. Popcorn and juice also provided in 2004.

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1. Contact conference services and be certain that they will provide ice cream, whipped cream, toppings

2. Develop games and other activities to keep children entertained

On Island:

1. Help serve ice cream, toppings, and whipped cream.

2. Lead games

Follow up Responsibilities: Help clean up

People Needed: Six; helpful if one can play the piano.

Materials: Games

Total Cost:

Comments: 1998 – It’s difficult to engage all children from these varying ages in the same game. Have smaller groups with additional adults. Or show a movie & serve popcorn. Older children were interested in charades.

2001 – Ice cream didn’t seem to work so soon after dinner. Few ate any and it melted and ran all over the place. 2004—Popcorn and juice provided.

Past participants:1995-Bob Frye, Jane Lentz & Karen Jain.1997 – Pat & Ralph Colby.1998 – Donna Delaney.1999 – Bob Frye & Jane Lentz. 2004—Laurie Saunders, Ken and Judy Butler; also helpingwere: Martin and Brian Apgar, Lorene Bossong, Cindy Parr, Rachel Legard (face painitng)Updated July 2004


Friday Night Cleanup

Activity: Clean up after Friday night party

When: When cabaret ends, late Friday night or early Saturday morning

Where: Newton

Responsibilities: Clean up garbage and leftovers from cabaret/party

Specific Activities:

Off Island:

1. None

On Island:

2. Coordinate with set up and cabaret committees committee.

3. Recruit 3 people to help clean up.

4. Clean up the trash and left over food

5. Take down decorations

6. Be certain that candles are dealt with in a safe manner

7. Be certain that all alcoholic beverages are either locked in storage area or are disposed of.

Do not leave alcoholic beverages out for Pelicans!!!

People Needed: 4

Materials: None

Total Cost: None

Comments: Need ability to stay up late.

1997 – Crew cleaned up as much as possible and left at 4:30 am with please to stragglers to turn lights off and leave everything in good shape. This job should be given to someone who doesn’t have to drive a long distance the next morning.

Past participants: 1994 – Hal&Kathy DeHaven, Jan&Jim Prochaska. 1995 – Gail&Jonathan Gonick-Hallows. 1997 – Ellen Clegg & Robin Kanegis. 1999 – Dave Clegg & Ami Lyford, Ginger&George Dixon. 2003, 2004 Val & Hal Basdekis. 2005-Adam & Laura Osgood

Updated July 2004


Grand March – Children

Activity: Grand march for the children through the lobby, dining hall, and porch on Friday evening directly after the banquet

Responsibilities: Plan and lead grand march for children

Specific Activities:

On Island:

1. Recruit four or five additional people to move the group along and to be responsible for keeping the doors open.

2. Check with Conference Services to be sure that the Lobby will be clear of furniture right after the banquet; also be sure that furniture on porch is out of way of march.

3. Check with Music Director to be sure that someone will be present to play the music.

4. Directly after the banquet gather all of the kids in the Hotel lobby and lead the group around the lobby, through the dining hall, onto the porch, and finish in the lobby.

Follow up Responsibilities: None

People Needed: Two door holders at back doors (near rest room stairs); 2 door holders for

dining room doors out to porch; announcer at dining room microphone; adult to lead parade

Materials: None

Total Cost: None

Comments: 2002 – Suggest maybe vary the day/time, maybe Sunday after lunch when there are no afternoon children’s classes.

Past participants: 1994 – Brian & Joni Lipton. 1995 – Debbie & Steve Bishop.

1996 – Charlie & Karen Close.1997 – Karen & Charlie Close.1998 – Marc & Jane Soule.

2002 – Marc&Jane Soule. 2004—Charlie and Karen Close 2005-Joy Close & Susan O’Loughlin

Updated April 2006


Grand March – Adults

Activity: Hold march through lobby of hotel, dinning area and porch on Friday evening about 9:30; start in lobby. In 2004 started at 8:45 pm.

Responsibilities: Organize and carry out march

Specific Activities:

On Island:

1. Talk with music director to confirm time of march and to be sure that someone will be there to play “Star Island is our Spirit’s Home” on the piano.

2. Talk with Conference Services to be sure that the furniture will be cleared from the lobby during the meeting in Elliot. Have microphone near piano, loudspeakers on porch.

3. Recruit leading couple for the march and at least two people “as spotters” to assist movements

4. Normally the march is structured so that the current chairs are first after the organizers and then the new chairs, the various past chairs, and then the rest of the conferees. (not done-2002)

5. Lead Grand March. The pattern (2002) is as follows: (1) Line up 2X2 in couples exiting Elliott Hall – spotter #1 assists (2) When music starts march down porch to about Writing Room window (3) Pairs fold off & double back – spotter #2 assists – along alternate sides to form bridge near Elliott; couples march under and add to bridge. (4) When final couple goes under bridge (leaders), line enters lobby and begins “snail,” single file holding hands. It is crucial to have leaders & helper see to it that this is done (5) Circle as wide as possible, giving time and room for the line to form. Spiral inward, always inward. When at center turn back on self and walk outward through inward lines. (6) When everyone is out again, stop. Lead “Auld Lange Syne”; lead All Star cheer for next year.

People Needed: At least 2 leaders and 2 people or more people to keep the flow. Recommendation for at least 7 helpers.

Comments: Need lots of help. Careful planning is important. Watch crowd and adapt when

necessary. 2002 – For simplification & ease of hearing music, kept all marching on front porch & lobby (not dining room or side porch) but be aware that people should shuffle, not stamp their feet in order to preserve the integrity of the structure.

Past participants: 1994 – Karen and Charlie Close. 1995,97,99 – Dick Case. 1996 – Sherry Walworth and Charlie Case. 1998 – Ben & Debbie Weiner-Soule. 2002 – Chris&Bill Gimpel. 2003 – Charlie & Karen Close. 2004—Dick Case.

Updated July 2004

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