Financial Assistance

Please do not allow financial concerns to impact your decision to apply to the conference. All Star I offers financial assistance to those who may not otherwise be able to attend. Up to 50 percent of registration fees and room and board may be covered. Costs such as parking and boat fees and on-Island expenses are not covered.

Soon after completing your registration, please complete a Financial Grant application at the following link: Applications are due by April 15. Please remember to check the box on your application to allow your information to be shared with the conference. Applications are held in strict confidentiality and are only viewed by the Financial Assistance Committee. Applying for financial assistance will not affect your chances of being admitted to the conference. If you have any questions, please contact the All Star I registrar, Susan O’Loughlin at

Contributions to the All Star I Financial Assistance Fund are welcomed and encouraged. Please consider a donation to the Financial Assistance fund. You can write a check payable to All Star One, with memo “FA Fund” and mail to David Yermack at 9 Weathervane Drive, Morristown, NJ 07960.

If you have questions about the application process, please contact registrar Susan O’Loughlin at

All Star 1 Financial Assistance Program Policy

Ratified at the October 22, 2022 Governance Council Annual Meeting

Purpose and Scope

New and returning shoalers in financial need are encouraged to apply to All Star I’s Financial Assistance Program (the “Program”). The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to shoalers who are not able to bear the full cost to attend All Star I (“ASI”).

The Program is funded through donations from the ASI community (through direct giving and proceeds from the fundraising auction) as well as a portion of the registration fees collected each year. The focus of the Program is twofold: to promote economic diversity within the ASI community and to assist new and regularly attending ASI conferees.

The Program aims to help as many financial assistance applicants as possible within the allocated budget each year. Financial assistance applications may be made for consecutive years. An applicant’s financial ability to attend other Star Island conferences during the year may be considered in determining the amount of assistance.

Up to half of the Room & Board and the conference fee will be awarded (parking fee is not included). Applicants are encouraged to ask for only what they truly need to be able to attend ASI.

The financial assistance funds will be applied directly to the applicant’s on-island bill by the Treasurer.

The Financial Assistance Committee and Procedures

Applicants must complete and submit the financial assistance application form to the Registrars along with their conference registration form. All financial assistance applications are confidential and will be viewed only by the Financial Assistance Committee (“FAC”). The FAC shall be composed of 4 regularly attending ASI conferees and the current ASI Registrar and Treasurer. One committee member shall be named convener and all committee members shall have voting rights for the approval or denial of applications and the amounts awarded.

The Registrar will forward all financial assistance applications to the FAC. The FAC will evaluate the applications and determine the financial assistance awards. The current conference Chairs will not be informed who is applying for financial assistance so that their admittance decisions will not be influenced by financial assistance requests.

The FAC will consider applications on a rolling basis as the applications are received. The FAC may, but is not obligated to, award all available assistance funds for a given conference year. The FAC may also prioritize financial assistance awards in the following order:

1. Regularly attending ASI conferee.

2. New shoaler who may be one who will actively participate, volunteer, and become part of the ASI community.

3. Immediate family of Children’s Staff member (partner, child).

4. Other, such as an unknown new shoaler or a relative of an old shoaler.

The Registrars will notify the applicant of the FAC’s decision. All recipients of assistance must confirm their intention to accept the assistance and attend the conference by email to the Registrar.



Hello All Star Oners!

By now your Blue Book has probably arrived in your mailbox and you’ve seen that the topic for our conference this year is “Rejuvenating America: Can We Do It?” Our lineup of internal speakers – David Yermack, Sally Blount, Ned Tillman, and Louise Williams – will all focus on this topic from their area of expertise. Of course, our week will offer all the regular features that we have come to know and love from All Star I.

We wanted to remind you that All Star 1 values the economic diversity of its community and has established a fund for financial aid that is supported by donations from members of our community.  If your family needs financial aid in order to attend this year’s conference, please submit your application for assistance, at the same time and accompanied by, your application for admission to the conference in care of our registrar, Bill Tibbs at 79 Pearl Street, Cambridge MA, 02139 or by direct email to  Our funds are limited, so we ask that you specify the exact dollar amount your family will need to be able to attend, and that you request no more than you absolutely need. This will enable us to assist as many applicants as possible.

Remember, the conference fills quickly so please have your application in by March 10. Please make checks out to All Star One. On-line registration will be available starting February 5th. Remember, if you register on-line you still need to have your check postmarked by March 10, 2011.

For more information on the conference, registration, and financial assistance, please visit the All Star I website.

We’ll see you in July!


Annie and Scott Stewart

All Star I Chairs, 2011

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