Fall Meeting 2011

All Star One Chairs Meeting

The Guest House

 Chester, CT

Attachments are available on the documents page.

September 18, 2011

1:30 Opening Words – Deb Walton

1:35 Call to Order – Tom Griffiths

1:35 Milestones

1:40 Approval of 2010 November meeting minutes and approval of 2011 on-island chairs’ meeting minutes – Debbie Weiner Soule – Attachments A and B

1:45 Questions and Answers on Reports (posted on All Star One website in advance of the meeting):

  • Star Island Corporation Board and Permanent Trust (Jan Prochaska) – Attachment C
  •  Council of Conferences (Jim Prochaska, Roy Cook) – Attachment D
  •  Children’s Program and Planning (Waltons) – Attachment E
  • Registration (Bill Tibbs – not present at meeting) – Attachment F (PDF, unlabeled)

2:00 – 2011 reports, Questions/Answers:

  • Chairs’ Report (Scotty and Annie Stewart)
  • Financial Aid (Elizabeth Yermack) – Attachments G (current policy) and H (proposed guidelines)
  • Treasurer (Bill Gimpel) –- Attachments I (Financial Assistance Report), J (2011 Conference Report), K (2012 Budget Recommendation)
  • Star Island Annual Fund (Ned Tillman)

2:40 – Ratifying Actions Taken by the Executive Committee, November 2010- September, 2011 – Debbie Weiner Soule – Attachment L. Also see: Actions by All Star One Chairs through July 2011 (Attachment M)

2:500 – BREAK

3:05 – 2012 Conference Planning (Elissa Best and David Epstein)

3:20 – Review of Conference Covenant Process – Kathy Tillman

3:40 – Conference Issues: A. Governance (Paul Jennings and Jim Prochaska) – Attachment N

4:10 – Election of Executive committee members, Council of Conferences representatives, Financial Aid Committee Members (written ballot) – see Attachment O for information.

  •  A. Executive Committee – four to be elected: 1 to fill a 1 year unexpired term 3 to fill 3-year terms The Executive Committee wishes to place Charlie Close’s name in nomination for filling the one-year unexpired term, and Tricia Coleman’s name in nomination for filling a second three-year term. Two additional nominees (at least) are needed.
  •  B. Treasurer – one to be elected for a three-year term Bill Gimpel is a candidate for re-election.
  • C. Council of Conferences Representatives: 1 member of the Executive Committee, 1 at-large representative, each to serve a 1-year term. Jim Prochaska and Roy Cook are candidates for re-election.
  •  D. Financial Aid Committee members: 2 to serve three year terms Holly Hunnicutt and Shelley Powsner are both candidates for re-election.

4:30 – Other business 4:45 – Comments and Questions

4:50 – Results of Elections; Location and Date for Off-Island Meeting 2012 – Deb Walton

4:55 – Closing Words – Charlie Close

5:00 – Adjourn

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