Fall Meeting 2013

All Star One Governance Meeting

(Everyone is Welcome)

The Guest House

Chester, CT

October 27 – 28, 2013


All Documents are available on the Documents page.


1:30 Opening Words Lois Williams

1:35 Call to Order Tom Griffiths

1:35 Milestones

1:40 Approval Oct 2012 and 2013 on-island chairs’ meeting minutes – Attachments A and B

1:45 Reports

Children’s Program and Planning (Deb and Tom Walton) – Attachment C

Registration (Anne and Scott Stewart) – Attachment D

Financial Aid (Elizabeth Yermack) – Attachment E

2:15 – 2013 reports, Questions/Answers:

Chairs’ Report (Dennis and Judy) Attachment F

Star Island Annual Fund

Treasurer’ report (Bill Gimpel) –-

Attachments G(Financial Assistance Report)

H (2013 Conference Report)

I (Financial Statement)

J (2014 Budget Recommendation)

2:45 – 501©3 Update – Bill Gimpel – Attachment K

3:00 – Governance amendments (Louise Williams)

a. Clarification for Governance council limited terms

b. Term limits for other committees

3:20 – Ratify Actions of the Executive Committee, Oct 2012 to Oct 2013 (Coleman) – Attachment M

Also see: Actions by All Star One Governing Council through July 2013 – Attachment N

3:30 – Break

3:45 – 2014 Conference Planning (Mary Trudeau)

3:50 – Elections

4:05 – Other business

4:20 – Off-island meeting 2014

4:30 – Closing Words Annie Stewart

4:40 – Adjourn

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