Fall Meeting 2017

Fall Governance Meeting

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Guest House

Chester, Connecticut

(Everyone is Welcome)

Agenda and Documents Page

Fall Governance Meeting Minutes

1:30 Call to Order – (Ben Soule)

Opening Words – (Jenny Easter Nelson)

1:35 Milestones

1:40 Consent Agenda/Acceptance of Reports A – G, N, O

Approval of Oct 2016 and July 2017 minutes (Mary Trudeau) – Attachment A- All Star I Fall Meeting 2016 MinutesAttachment B – July 2017 All Star 1 Governance Minutes

Children’s Program and Planning (Deb and Tom Walton) – Attachment C – All Star I 2017 Children

Registration (Susan O’Loughlin) – Attachment D – 2017 Registrars Report

Financial Aid (Caroline Quijada) – Attachment E – Financial Aid Report for 2017

Chairs Report (Dale Stewart and Keith Knox) – 2017 – Attachment 0 – Report of the Chairs

Star Island Corporation Report  – Attachment F

Star Island Annual Fund update (Cory Easter) – Attachment G – 2017 Annual Fund Report

Council of Conferences Report 10-16 – Attachment N – Council of Conferences Report

1:50 – Treasurer’s report and Budget (Ann Etter) – Attachment H – Treasurers Report & 2017-18 Budget

2:10 – Ratify Actions of Executive Committee, Oct 2016 to Oct 2017 – Attachment I – EC discussions and actions 11-2016 through 10-2017

Also see: Actions by All Star One Governing Council through July 2017 – Attachment J – Actions Taken By All Star One Governance Council 2017

2:15 – 2017 Conference Planning (Jenny Easter Nelson, Louise Williams, David Yermack)

2:35 – Break

2:50 – Executive Committee Recommendations

Youth Alcohol Policy – Attachment K – All Star I Youth Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy – Final Version

3:30 – Creation of Archives Committee

3:45 – Proposed by law change – Attachment L – Proposed By-Law change

3:55 – Elections – Attachment M – Report of the Nominating Committee

4:10 – Other Business

4:25 – Off-island meeting 2018

4:35 – Closing Words – (Jan Prochaska)

4:40 – Adjourn


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