Administration & Miscellaneous

Administration & Miscellaneous – AdministrationMiscellaneous 2018


Minister of the Week


Housing Coordinator

Storage Bin Organizer

Trouble Shooters/Problem Pushers


Activity:  To act as the conference archivist; collecting and cataloging materials, and to display historic conference materials during the conference


Responsibilities: Same as above

Off Island:

  1. Obtain list of available Vaughan Cottage materials by contacting the Star Island office, or by contacting the Vaughan Cottage Curator in early June.
  2. Contact Vaughan Cottage Curator about items that you would like to display.
  3. If desired, you can purchase a scrapbook to bring to the island for people to add recollections to.
  4. If you would like information published in the Porch News about shoalers bringing scrapbook photos, contact the conference chairs.

On Island: 

  1. Meet with the Vaughan Curator to collect items. Set out archive materials in the designated location as directed by the Vaughan Curator.
  2. Set up the purchased scrapbook for entries (provide photo mounts, glue stick, pens).
  3. On Friday afternoon collect any displayed materials and return them to Vaughan Cottage.

Follow Up Responsibilities: Return any borrowed item to Vaughan Cottage.

Total Cost:  Contact the Conference Treasurer for re-imbursement of expenses for office supplies

Materials:  Scrapbook, pens, tape, glue stick

Past Volunteers:  Win Southworth, Marc Soule, Jill and John Robbins, Lois Williams

Updated 2018


Minister of the Week

Activity:  Island Ministry

Responsibilities: Plan Sunday morning Chapel service; coordinate and be a resource for the Children’s Chapel volunteers, pastoral care as needed throughout week, say an invocation at the Friday night Banquet. Be available for memorial services and stone placement in the memorial garden, child dedications and similar services.

Off Island:

  1. Prepare Sunday morning Chapel service.
  2. Contact Conference Chairs regarding any planned Memorial Services for the week.
  3. Contact the Island Music Director if you would like her/his assistance with music at the Sunday Chapel service.

On Island: 

  1. Give the Sunday morning Chapel service at the scheduled time.
  2. Provide planned pastoral services.
  3. Be available for pastoral counseling/care during the week.

Follow Up Responsibilities:  None

Total Cost:  None

Materials:  None

Past Ministers of the Week:  Charlie Close, Nancy Wood, Eric Kaminetzsky


Updated 2018


Activity:  To take photographs of the conferees and activities during the week.

Responsibilities:  Take pictures at as many events as possible.

Off Island:

  1. Make sure your camera device has sufficient digital memory

On Island: 

  1. Take pictures
  2. Families may want to have a special family photo taken.

Follow Up Responsibilities: Load pictures on to the internet for conferee viewing.

Total Cost:  For reimbursement of any expenses please contact All-Star I Treasurer.

Materials:  Have a laptop to upload and collect other conferee digital photos

Past Volunteers:  Connie Lentz

Updated 2018


Housing Coordinator

Activity:  To serve as room registrar for the All-Star I Conference.

Responsibilities: To assign housing to each conferee for the week with input from the Children’s Program coordinators.


Off Island:

  1. Get the conference list from the registrar/chairs as soon as possible, even if incomplete. Room plans must be correct.
  2. Assign housing for children youngest to oldest first, then adults with specific requests.
  3. Group Terns, Gulls, and Jr. Teens and house near parents. Group Sr. Teens.
  4. Assign rooms working backwards from the motel units. Assign larger capacity rooms first.
  5. Communicate with conferees over concerns.

On Island: 

  1. Resolve any last-minute issues.
  2. 2. For conference overnight guests, assign new guests to the departing guests rooms.

Follow Up Responsibilities: Take notes regarding successes and problems.

Total Cost:  None

Materials:  None

Past Volunteers:  Deb Walton

Updated 2018


Storage Bins

Activity: To go to the Conference Storage area (located in Brookfield) and re-organize the All-Star I storage bins.

Responsibilities:  Go through the storage bins and throw away damaged items.  Create an inventory list for each tub and pass list on to the next year’s chairs.

Off Island:

  1. Obtain copy of the inventory from the present chairs.

On Island: 

  1. Help to deliver marked bins to the children’s groups.
  2. Tell the Children’s Group Volunteers to not store any leftover craft materials in the boxes. They should take all extra supplies home.
  3. On Friday, create new inventory of the items in the returned storage bins. Children’s Group Volunteers should bring back bins in the late morning or early afternoon.

Follow Up Responsibilities: None

Total Cost:  None

Materials:  Markers, pad of paper for inventory

Past Volunteers: Mary Hill, Marlene Smurzynski

Updated 2018


Trouble Shooters/Problem Pushers

Activity:  Be the liaisons for conferees when problems arise during the week.

Responsibilities: To work with and support the Chairs as any issues arise during the All-Star I Conference.

Off Island:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the conference list.

On Island: 

  1. Talk with the Chairs so you can be announced as the ‘Problem Pusher” during Orientation on Saturday.
  2. Introduce yourself to Island Staff on Saturday afternoon in case of problems.
  3. Ensure that the Children’s program coordinators at the Children’s Orientation meeting with parents (on Sunday morning) emphasize island limits and parental responsibility for kids.
  4. Be available for island management or the chairs as needed.

Follow Up Responsibilities: Be certain that all problems have been resolved.

Total Cost:  None

People Needed:  At least 2—one male and one female.  Should be well known and accepted by the AS 1 community and be long-time shoalers.  Should be discrete and able to obtain and retain confidences.

Past Volunteers: Larry Yermack, Debbie Weiner-Soule, Cheryl Ann Sturken, Betsy Fredericks

Updated 2018

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