Fall Meeting 2016

Fall Governance Meeting

 Saturday, October 22, 2016

 The Guest House

 Chester, Connecticut

 (Everyone is Welcome)

Agenda and Documents Page

Please read this Introductory letter to the 2016 Fall Meeting to understand the procedural plans for this meeting.

The documents referenced in the cover letter and meeting are found at the bottom of this page.


1:30 Call to Order – Scotty Stewart

Opening Words – (?)

1:35 Milestones

1:40 Consent Agenda/Acceptance of Reports A – G

 Approval of Oct 2015 and July 2016 minutes(Deb Weiner Soule, Mary Trudeau) – Attachments A, B

 Children’s Program and Planning (Deb and Tom Walton) – Attachment C

 Registration (Ali Walton) – Attachment D

 Financial Aid (Caroline Quijada) – Attachment E SIC Report (Mary Trudeau) – Attachment F Star Island Annual Fund update (Cory Easter) – Attachment G 1:50 – Treasurer’s report (Ann Etter) – Attachment H

 2:10 – Ratify Actions of Executive Committee, Oct 2015 to Oct 2016 – Attachment I Also see: Actions by All Star One Governing Council through July 2016 – Attachment J

2:15 – 2017 Conference Planning (Keith Knox and Dale Stewart)

2:35 – Executive Committee Recommendations

 Admissions Policy – Attachment K

 2:55 – Break

3:15 – Executive Committee Recommendations, continued

3:15 – Leadership Reimbursement Proposal – Attachment L, Attachment M

3:45 – Revitalizing the Volunteer Job Descriptions – Attachment N

3:55– Elections – Nominating Committee Report – Attachment O

4:20 – Other Business

4:40 – Off-island meeting 2017

4:50 – Closing Words – (?)

4:55 – Adjourn



Introductory letter to the 2016 Fall Meeting

Attachment A – All Star 1 Fall Meeting 2015 Minutes 103115rev1

Attachment B – July 2016 All Star 1 Governance Minutes

Attachment C – ASI 2016 Childrens Program Report

Attachment D – ASI I 2016 Registras Report

Attachment E – ASI 2016 Financial Aid Report

Attachment F – Report from the Corporation

Attachment G- 2016 Annual Fund Update

Attachment H – ASI 2016-17 budget

Attachment I – EC discussions and actions 11-2015 through 10-2016

Attachment J – Actions Taken By All Star One Governance Council 2016

Attachment K – AP Presentation to the GC Oct 2016 (Admissions Policy document)

Attachment L – Leadership Reimbursement Proposal

Attachment M – Conference Leadership Reimbursement (Spreadsheet comparing volunteer reimbursement policies for similar conferences)

Attachment N – 2016 Volunteer Job Descriptions

Attachment O – Report of the Nominating Committee 2016

Attachment P – Council of Conferences Report 10-16



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