Fall Meeting 2018

All Star 1 Governing Council Off-island Meeting

Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 1:30 pm

Guest House Retreat and Conference Center, Chester, CT

Zoom Online Meeting Information
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Call to Order, Opening Words (Jeff Loewer)


Consent Agenda/Acceptance of Reports

Approval of Oct 2017 and July 2018 minutes (Lois Williams, Mary Trudeau) – A – 2017 Fall Governance Meeting Minutes, B – July 2018 All Star 1 Governance Minutes

Children’s Program and Planning (Deb and Tom Walton) – C – Children Report 2018

Registration (Susan O’Loughlin) – D – 2018 Registrars Report

Financial Aid (Caroline Quijada) – E – Financial Aid Report for 2018

Chairs Report (Jenny Easter Nelson, Louise Williams, and David Yermack) – 2018 – F – Report of the 2018 Chairs

Evaluation Results – 2018 (Jeff Loewer , Keith Knox) – G – Conference Evaluations Summary

Star Island Corporation Report (Joe Watts for Tom Coleman) – H – Board Liaison Report to the All Star One Governance Group

Star Island Annual Fund update (Cory Easter) – I – Annual Fund Progress Report for 2018

Council of Conferences update (Lisa Gresser) – J – Council of Conferences Report 2017_18

Archive Committee update (Keith Knox) – K – Archive-Committee-Report 2018

Treasurer’s report and Budget (Ann Etter) – L – ASI 2018-19 Budget

Update on Conference On-Island Cash Management Improvement Recommendations – Attachment LL

Ratify Actions of Executive Committee (Lois Williams, Jeff Loewer), Oct 2017 to Oct 2018 – M – 2018 Executive Committee Actions discussions and actions 11/2017 – 10/2018

Executive Committee Recommendations

Report of the Subcommittee on Selection of Future Chairs (Keith Knox) – MM – Report on Selection of Future Chairs

Elections – N – 2018 Annual Report of the All Star 1 Nominating Committee (Lisa Gresser)

Other Business







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